Problems With Eheim Filters


Fish Addict
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
St. Paul Minnesota USA
Need help. :hyper:

I've had 2 Eheim filters that would not start back up after routine maintenance. One was an Ecco that was only in service for a year or so (I've totally given up on it), the latest major disaster (today) is a Pro II model 2126 that's maybe 2-3 years old. Both were maintained regularly according to the manufacturer's guidelines. But after a usual maintenance, they would not prime. Push the button/pull the handle.... nothing!! What causes this to happen?? Does anyone have any advice for what to check for?? At this point, I need to get the Pro II working ASAP.

I'm very frustrated at this point ... I thought Eheim was supposed to be the best. I've been running 2 Fluval 204's and one 304 on three of my other tanks for 4 - 8 years w/o a SINGLE problem. They always start up without the faintest hint of resistance. And the only 2 Eheims I've ever had quit working after 1 - 3 years?!?

What could I be doing wrong, or different from the other times I've performed maintenance?? HELP!

Sorry if I sound frustrated and maybe a tad desperate... but my 90 gallon is currently running on a small emergency filter (Fluval, they just work!).

If you can help me, you will be my special friend.
I've got both of those filters, running on two different tanks. The prime mecanism on the ECCO filters usually doesn't work. Make sure there is no water in the filter, or any of the lines. Place the intake in the tank, and give the output a healthy suck, all you are doing is starting a siphon. Once it fills fire it up.

Do the same with the 2026, instead of sucking, push the prime button. Often the back pressure of the output line defeats the prime function, they will often start with the prime mechanism if you drain just the output line, a large cup works good for this.
I've got both of those filters, running on two different tanks. The prime mecanism on the ECCO filters usually doesn't work. Make sure there is no water in the filter, or any of the lines. Place the intake in the tank, and give the output a healthy suck, all you are doing is starting a siphon. Once it fills fire it up.

Do the same with the 2026, instead of sucking, push the prime button. Often the back pressure of the output line defeats the prime function, they will often start with the prime mechanism if you drain just the output line, a large cup works good for this.

After not being able to start it as usual (with the input/output lines full), I drained both lines and pretty much installed it from scratch. No go. I am referring to the 2126 now, I don't care about the Ecco at this point. Thx.
OK, so I took your advice on the Ecco... dug it out of the cupboard, filled it with media, hooked it up, sucked on the output, and yes it did fill up with water!! All excited, I plugged it in, and the motor doesn't work. No activity whatsoever. Nary a click nor a hum. In the trash it went.

So, I thought I'd try the 2126 again. Filled just the input line with water, hooked it up, and yes it did fill up with water!! All excited, I plugged it in, and it leaked all over the place. Unhooked it, emptied it, cleaned the seal (if you can call it that), hooked it up, it filled with water, plugged it in, and it leaked all over the place once more. In the trash it goes.

People like Eheims so much... why?? Or do they just ship the bad ones to my town?

I guess I will stick with what has been working flawlessly for me for 8 years.... Fluval!!

:crazy: :hyper: :blink: :shifty:
Did you put petroleum jelly on the seals of the leaking filter? This is standard operating procedure for all canisters I can think of, often the seals will dry out prematurely, causing leakage problems.

First, check to make sure the impellers are turning. You can do this witout the filter being assembled. If the impeller doesn't spin, or spins noisily it is the impeller shaft. If they fill, hold water, and the impeller spins properly, they should run. I would make sure the outlet you are plugging them into is operating properly, I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, this is something I have done before.

If you are going to toss those filters out, toss them my way. I'll pay shipping, plus $10 for your troubles. :good:
most problems with eheim are not the filters they are the user :nod:
the filters should still be under warranty. Take them back to the shop where you got them from and ask them for some help. They can check the motors and if need be send them back under warranty.
Eheims are usually good filters but a couple of models are badly designed. They tried to get too technical with them and screwed it.
Did you put petroleum jelly on the seals of the leaking filter? This is standard operating procedure for all canisters I can think of, often the seals will dry out prematurely, causing leakage problems.

I will try the petro jelly suggestion (will KY work?? :shifty: ). I would hate to have to give up on the 2126 because I really like the integrated heater. Thanks.
If they won't start at all I hope you tried pulling out the impeller & cleaning it, my fault for not mentioning this. I torture test filters with my breeding setup, the little ECCO will plug up in the chamber surrounding the impeller, I have yet to have my 2026 do this, but I imagine it is possible.

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