Problem With My Siamese Fighting Male

first of all theres no need to shout its his first post isnt it he came for advice so give it not lecture that will only deter ppl from coming on and finding out how to look after their fish

however they are right you need to move some of your fish and do water changes not buy stuff from the shop all you should be adding to your tank is clean water and dechlorinator unless you have an illness outbreak or something and dont rely on the man in the shop for advice they are just trying to make money come on to this forum and reasearch online

welcome to the forum by the way :hi:

scot :good:
What are the small fish you have in with your girls? If they are things like Tetras that's not good as they nip. I wouldn't put anything else with my girls apart from bottom feeders like bristle noses , loaches. You need a minimum of 4 girls. The two you have will just probably fight to the death to become top dog. They do it by battering each other too not necessarily biting until the other becomes so weak it will die.

When and if you get two new girls you will need to take the existing two out and bag them up,, float all four girls before release. The next problem is ensureing that they are definatly all girls as alot of males coming in are looking like females to start with. I've just discovered that another two of my girls are in fact male which accounts for one of them not egging up when put in tube in tank with male

There are many topics on this and it may pay you to have a good look through. There is probably a pinned topic on it.

As an alternative if you don't want to buy more girls you can divide the tank so that they have a side each.

4 neon's, 2 peppered cory's, 4 bleeding hearts, 4 silver tips. 4 harlequins, plus the 2 females

Im thinking maybe either ask a mate if he wants a female, or put in another 2 as we have no room for more tanks and we are just about to move the male into his own cool lil tank too :D

first of all theres no need to shout its his first post isnt it he came for advice so give it not lecture that will only deter ppl from coming on and finding out how to look after their fish

however they are right you need to move some of your fish and do water changes not buy stuff from the shop all you should be adding to your tank is clean water and dechlorinator unless you have an illness outbreak or something and dont rely on the man in the shop for advice they are just trying to make money come on to this forum and reasearch online

welcome to the forum by the way :hi:

scot :good:

cheers for the first part :)

but yep we are doing about a 25% water change in a minute when we move the male into his new tank :D

Does that all sound ok? :)
well as other people have covered the bases I will just start off by saying welcome!

next time you want more fish...or any pets for that matter read up a lot before you even get to the store, as most stores dont care what they sell you...not as long as your moneys green...wait what color is british money?> nevermind.

welcome :)
ok thanks, we are just putting our fighter fish (Henry) in now

Will make sure to post pics when we are done....

Thanks again
eeeek big update!!

just started to fill up the new mini glass tank with water for the male and it was leaking a bit from the corners!!

So i gotta replace it tomorrow so i can't do it til then :(
eeeek big update!!

just started to fill up the new mini glass tank with water for the male and it was leaking a bit from the corners!!

So i gotta replace it tomorrow so i can't do it til then :(

If not too bad you may get away with aqua silicone.
Well we are taking the tank back tomorrow to get another one :)

but from looking at the tank the fighters all seem fine atm

also is it best to use the water from the tank and put him in the new tank straight away?

Or start from the begining?
Sorry about that :( Stupid fish man

But yep im going to get myself a 10-15litre tank today and a water filter and a guessing due to the size of the tanke i should just get the smallest ones i can find?

also as i said i got 2 other females, shall i buy about 1-2 more for that tank as people say to leave them in groups?
Thanks for the information, il go and slap myself now lol
Hey no worries. You're here cuz you are concerned and want to get the proper info. More than can be said for most fish keepers


Glad to have you aboard.

Sorry to hear about the cracked tank. That is disappointing. The best method to setup that tank would be to let it cycle properly, but that can take some time and you need to get that male separated.

Cut some of the filter media from your current tank and place it behind the filter media in the new tank. Hopefully some of the beneficial bacteria will transfer and the tank will cycle quickly. Use new water while setting up the new tank, but treat it before you turn on the filter (so chlorine doesn't kill the bacteria).
Ok I will do. I will be taking the new tank back in a min.

I will put my fighter fish in it tonight. :D
i've been reading this topic and looks like bettas a bit much to handle - :(
i was planning of having bettas as my first tank inhabitants...
now i'm having second thought..

but i really like bettas... :S
hmmm looks like i have to research more on them - -

i've been reading this topic and looks like bettas a bit much to handle - :(
i was planning of having bettas as my first tank inhabitants...
now i'm having second thought..

but i really like bettas... :S
hmmm looks like i have to research more on them - -


Its not that difficult :good: Just follow the simple guidelines and all should be ok :good:

Dont keep a male with another male or females
Dont keep a male with fin nippers or other aggressive fish
Keep females either by themselves or in a group minimum of 4/5
Personally, and as long as the females dont have longish fins and are monitered, a group of them can be kept in a tank with other fish. Particularly if its well planted.

Sorry about that :( Stupid fish man

But yep im going to get myself a 10-15litre tank today and a water filter and a guessing due to the size of the tanke i should just get the smallest ones i can find?

also as i said i got 2 other females, shall i buy about 1-2 more for that tank as people say to leave them in groups?
Thanks for the information, il go and slap myself now lol
Hey no worries. You're here cuz you are concerned and want to get the proper info. More than can be said for most fish keepers


Glad to have you aboard.

Sorry to hear about the cracked tank. That is disappointing. The best method to setup that tank would be to let it cycle properly, but that can take some time and you need to get that male separated.

Cut some of the filter media from your current tank and place it behind the filter media in the new tank. Hopefully some of the beneficial bacteria will transfer and the tank will cycle quickly. Use new water while setting up the new tank, but treat it before you turn on the filter (so chlorine doesn't kill the bacteria).

I have replaced the new tank ans so far have had no leakages. So my male should be in his new tank by the end of the day. :D

i've been reading this topic and looks like bettas a bit much to handle - :(
i was planning of having bettas as my first tank inhabitants...
now i'm having second thought..

but i really like bettas... :S
hmmm looks like i have to research more on them - -


From the experiance I have had recently I would say either put 4 female fighters in a community tank or put a male in a 10 litre tank on his own like our one will be from tonight.

Other than that i dont think they should be too hard to look after once you get used to it lol :)
it's good to hear that u able to replace the leaking tank - -
yah - - i, might be still up for it - but it's the male betta
i want in the community tank - :unsure:

so i'm planning to put 1 male 1 female...
and in the near future - a few other species - -
depending on who bettas tankmates are..


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