Problem With My Green Terror


New Member
Sep 16, 2012
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Hey guys i think there is a problem with my Green Terrors mouth.. not sure though. i could just be being paranoid lol..

here is a vid of him.. i tried to get as close to his mouth as i could. its pink and weird looking on his top lip.. and he doesnt seem to be eating.
this may be due to me only just getting him though and he is new to the tank...

Also is someone able to tell me how much he is worth if he doesnt have a prob with his mouth??
he is about 15-20cm in lenght and his colours show really well :)

also he was like this when i got him. so i may just be stressing out.. but i dont want him to die. he's an amazing fish :) so im just trying to work out early if there is a problem,.
Can you write in detail what you see.
A growth, cotton wool, lumps, etc, spots.

Is there any pink cotton wool on his mouth.
thats what it kind of looks like yeah? pink wool stringy looking stuff on his top lip?? kinda weird..
Could it be torn skin? I can't make out a lot from my phone but injuries from lip locking battles between two cichlids can cause this type of injury. What has he previously been kept with?

If he's new then the not eating may just be him sulking at being moved, a lot of big cichlids do this for a few days after they are moved, but soon come around
If it not skin it sounds like Columnaris, It can also show itself in pink, as well as white, brown.

Is the mouth rotting away.
Does the mouth look swollen.

I would start to treat with a bacterial med.
Has your GT ever at any point gotten into an altercation with another fish? My Gts mouth is scarred from a spar with a Jack Dempsey, and now it looks like a small pink wart. Could it be scarring from previous battle?

if you look at the lower jaw of the one in the picture, that tumor like pink protrusion is the scar i was talking about
yeah my mate i got it off kept it in a 6ft tank with a few other big fish. jag, flowerhorn, green texas, and yeah it got into a fight with one so he took it out and put it on its own.. that is what the bit on his bottom lip is from.. but im wondering about the pink stringy looking stuff in his mouth.. and no his mouth doesn't look swollen at all? he seems fine.. i actually think the pink stuff in his mouth has started going away. so what could that have been?
It is most likely just a battle wound, both a flowerhorn and jaguar are usually far too aggressive and strong for a green terror. It's just lucky they didn't break it's jaw.

Secondary infections are still possible though but with pristine water conditions and maybe the addition of something like melafix, he should make a quick recovery bar the odd battle scar
yeah sweet as mate. thanks so much for all your help guys. if it gets bad again ill soon post and let u guys no whats happening. thanks again :)
Strands coming out of mouth, or around the mouth are usually columnaris.

Is there any improvement. Is his mouth getting better daily, or worse.

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