Seeking Advice For My 55g Saltwater Fish + Lr

Just added 8 more lbs of LR. I'm up to 29lbs in a 55 gal tank. Clownfish is still doing well.

I asked about the LR and they said it has been curing for more than 6 weeks. I did the smell thing and couldn't detect any bad odor so when I got home I put the rock directly in my tank.

Happy New Year everybody...
sounds good, 6 weeks is plenty. Add the rock little by little just in case there is a small tiny bit of die off, so 8 pounds a week is a good amount. When youve achieved your asthetically pleasing amount of rock, you can start to add more fish, but slowly of course.
Picked up a 9 lb piece of LR today from my LFS. The LR has been in there over 8 weeks but it was mixed with new LR they just got in. When I got home, I noticed the piece did smell strange... I put it in my tank but now I'm worried. Should I take it out? If so, what do I do? Just put it in some kind of tub with a pump (w/ saltwater)???


That brought me up to about 39 lbs total in a 55g tank. Tank has cycled already.
If the tank has cycled already you should be OK. Just keep an eye on ammonia and if you start seeing it in the tank, put the rock in a bucket of saltwater with a powerhead, and heater
If the tank has cycled already you should be OK. Just keep an eye on ammonia and if you start seeing it in the tank, put the rock in a bucket of saltwater with a powerhead, and heater

Ok, got my 55g tank loaded with 46lbs of LR now... almost done. Water levels look good.

I have a cleaner shrimp now and he shed his skin today. Kind of freaked me out. Should I take the old shell out? Also, when I feed my clown fish -- should I go out of my way to make sure the cleaner shrimp eats or just hope he gets scraps? I feed my mysis shrimp every night and flakes in the morning.

Let the cleaner get scraps. As for the skeleton, the only reason to remove it is aesthetics, and the only reason to leave it is laziness, you pick :)
The shrimp will get food.

My is a constant pain when I try and target feed anything, it follows the turkey baster round the tank no matter how much I try and put it off.
The shrimp will get food.

My is a constant pain when I try and target feed anything, it follows the turkey baster round the tank no matter how much I try and put it off.

Thanks for the comments guys. My cleaner shrimp seems to be doing very well.

My tank now has 55 lbs of LR and 2 powerheads. Occupant inventory is currently:

1) Clark's Clownfish
1) Cleaner Shrimp
1) Fiddler Crab
5) Snails from LFS

Any recommendations on what I should stock now? I'm still very new to SW. One of the few things I do know is if I add anymore clownfish -- I should stick to the same species.
Do you have longterm goals of corals or no?

Yes, I do have an longterm goal to add coral. Almost pulled the trigger on an RO/DI unit last week but held back. It's only a matter of time.

I would want to do a sump and at this point, I'm quite intimidated. Not sure what setup to use - what equipment to use - and most of all, I have 0 plumbing skills! haha.

I picked up 3 fish last night --> a 6 lined wrasse, a small chromes, and a small damselfish.
3 spunky choices there, keep an eye on them for aggression issues.

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