Princes tank has sea monkeys?

well! i would just put the bettas and fish in amother tank.i watch the tank the tank with the orange stuff 4 an week.they might grow
betta_lova said:
Just wash the tank
hi again, well, ive been home 2day, and had another look in the tank, their still there, and my tetra is ill now! hes got fat, abit like dropsy, but hes also got like an air sack on his tummy, so im not sure if that cud have started because of these bug things?

ive had another look at the dots, and ive decided their more of the size of green fly, just no wings.

im not sure wot they are, but ive fixed princes new home, with sum aqua sealent, so im hoping i will be able to move prince into there nxt week, ive moved him into a smaller tank on his own for the moment, but he wants his old home back, cus he misses it.

i wud like to try and find out wot they are, as ive had them b4 in my old tank, but only noticed them wen i dismantled the tank.

their not daphine, cus their smaller
iforusia is little animals that devlop from the waste of many things in water. Thay are little bugs that baby fish can eat. If it inforusia there is no need to panic and the fish usually eats it.
they sound like brine shrimp but i dont think thats possible, iv used bine shrimp to feed my guppy fry and iv had them survive forhours in fresh water b4 getting gobbled up. if ur betta eating them at all?
i wouldn't trust whatever that is, i would just wash out the entire tank or at least remove the bugs :blink: if you really wanan look at them, put them in another container and check them out, but for all you know it could be inforusoa (which i dont' think grows to be that big), or some other stuff that got inot the tnak -_-
maybe some type of fly in your house laid some eggs in there? ''little orange dots'' arent the easiest thing to identify, and im guessing if theyre tiny theyre not easy to get pics of either... safest bet, would be to either clean the tank, or net them out, stick em in a bowl or something, and watch them grow or die or do whatever orange dots do :blink:

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