Preventing Fry From Being Sucked In


I don't bite, all that often...
Jun 18, 2007
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Leeds, United Kingdom
As the title realy. My breeding pair of angels has finally managed to raise a brood of fry in the community tank, so the next lot I whish to try save. I have an old 98l tank comming available soon, and a Rena XP2 filter. I want to avoid sponge filter's as the tank is going in a relatives bedroom, so can I stop 3 day old (1 day free-swimming) fry from being minced using some fine (or coarse) foam over the inlet? I've only used air driven filters with fry before :sad:

Thanks to anyone who reply's
you can use a fine piece of foam to go over the intake of the filter. It will slow the filter flow rate tho. If you raise the intake tube up higher in the tank it will be less likely to suck up the new fry as they tend to stay around the bottom.
I've found a piece of sponge over power filter inlets works best. I used to run hob filters on fry tanks, screen or stocking plugs too quickly. That screen or stocking, if wrapped tight, will keep them from being sucked into the filter, but won't prevent them from being sucked to the filter, which gives you the same end result; dead fish.

Just poke a hole in a piece of filter sponge with a knife, slide it over the intake.

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