
i'm really sorry ravekiss but she has popeye too. dont know what else to say but sorry :-(

was the gourami in this tank too? maybe the water quality isnt doing too well. have you got any test kits? knowing the size and whats in your tank and what sort of routine you follow when doing water changes might help us to stop another fish getting sick. if you dont have tests then ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph are the main ones to get.
to kill any bacteria in the water then getting a medication such as interpet number 8 may help to keep the bacteria at bay but water quality is the main reason fish get bacterial infections.
SHe has Popeye? I didnt notice that. SHe's losing the color in her tail fin too. Yes the Gourami was in this tank too. I have a Tetratest Laborett Test Kit. The ammonia is 0, Nitrites 0, PH 7.0. It doesnt test for Nitrates.
I've been treating the tank with Melafix for 6 days now. I plan to do a water change tomorrow or Sunday after the last dose of Melafix (One of the guppy that I bought had a slight fin tear so I treated the entire tank). The tank is the 10g in my signature, except it now only have 2 guppies because the sick on is in another smaller tank.
i dont know much about american medications but isnt maracyn for bacterial infections? sorry, i cant help you with the meds. the tank seems to be ok as far as water quality but it was overcrowded when you had all the fish in together so maybe bacteria could have been able to multiply out of control. i think you should do a big water change each day on the 10 gallon as dropsy can be passed on to other fish if they are weakened.
If indeed she has a very bad case of dropsy, how long does dropsy take to kill a fish? She's been like that for 4 days now.
there is no point of wasting your money on medications after the scales start to stick out, by that time, its too late. and yes, that is dropsy. if im wrong, you can punch me. it will die in a day or two, which makes 5-6 days.
Has anyone got a picture of a pregnant guppy that shows the spot on her belly...I have another female that i think maybe pregnant.
Sorry to report...she died last night. She wasnt eating so I am not surprised. Now I'll never know if she was pregnant or not...:-(
I still however have another pregnant guppy in the tank that I had bought 2 days ago, looking forward to the babies.
she does look pregnant though its hard by the colouring of her, but i would say she didnt have long to go by how rounded she is, maybe a few days.
i have guppies myself and they are yellow so its really easy to tell when they are going to give birth. have you cleaned out the small tank for her to go in? i would put her in it now or get a breeding trap.
hope someone can give you a more deffinite yes or no :)
Anybody else's opinions please...another thing does anyone use a Do-It-Yourself Breeder trap for mommies and babies? I cant get to the fish store for a while

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