

Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
I posted this in the emergency section to..I am desperate. Dont want to lose another fish. Last night I noticed that my guppy appears 'fatter' than usual. I'm not sure if its male or female. He seems very bloated. I've attached pictures..please help me help this fishie. This morning he was a little more bloated than last night. I put him in a tank by himself before I left for work. Click the link:

Post updated below
I hope that Cichlidlovr is right, but from the looks of the very first picture, I'm sorry to say that it looks like Dropsy to me. Open the picture and look at her belly. You can see that her scales are kind of puffed up, kind of like a pinecone. Here is a picture to illistrate it


You can really see the puffing of the scales in picture 9.

From my experience, dropsy always results in death. I have never had a fish recover from it. Here is a link to a proper definition of it, because I wont be able to do it properly.

Dropsy explination

Like I said, I hope Cichlid is right about it being pregnant, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
I see in your other post that you have separated her to another tank. I would leave her there and monitor her behavoir. Just to be on the safe side I would do a water change in the other tank. maybe 20% or so
Looks like a pregnant female to me.

Is she pineconing.....I didn't see it in the pics. does she kinda look puffy elsewhere but her belly?

If so then it is prolly dropsy, but as I said, I think she is preggo :D

I have an electric yellow that had a puffy mouth for a while....just the one fish......then it went away and now I have babies :p
No the scales are just slightly raised under her belly but I think its because its swollen so much...last night the scales didnt show at all.
if you click on the pictures they open in the window... some of them very large. Have a look at the second to last - #9. It's a bit out of focus, but you can clearly see her entire belly puffed out. Again, I could be wrong, but I have lost at least 6 fish to dropsy... I would hate for you to get all excited thinking she is pregnant only to have her die.
Everyone is right here:
1. You have a pregnant female
2. she apparently has pineconing on her belly - my bulging pregnant platies and swordtails don't have scales like that when they're ready to pop

I'd isolate her in a hospital tank and raise the temp a smidge. My experience with dropsy hasn't been too good so I'm not the best one to give you treatment advice.

Lots of luck though
I took some more pictures of the guppy last night and this morning...her scales are raised alittle, even on the top of her body. I'm getting worried now that it may indeed be dropsy. She spends alot of time wedged between a space in the marbles but she does swim around and to the top. Here's that link again to view updated pics...sorry for quality.
seems like dropsy to me too. She may be pregnant also though....

I've never had a pregnant guppy show raised scales.

I'm sorry
sorry ravekiss but the dropsy is far advanced now and nothing will help her. in the main tank do more water changes to keep the other fish from getting any of the bacteria.
I am new to fish and want to know what is dropsy and how do fish get it and how do you get rid of it?

I don't think any of my fish have it but would like to know what to look for.
Hi Leigh. Dropsy is an icky disease that most fish are capable of getting. The telltale signs of it are when the scales of the fish start to stick out from his body, kind of like a pinecone. This is causes by a build up of fluid in the body, and they start to puff up.

Here is a link to a site that will be able to explane it better:
Dropsy explination

If you catch it early enough, apparently you can treat it, but I never have. Here are some instructions that black angel left in another forum
The fish should be put into a hospital tank with its own filtration and NO SALT. The temperature of the water increased from 78oF to 86oF in 1 day, and 1/8 teaspoon of epsom salts per 5 gallons added. The fish should be fed romet B antibiotic food for a month. 5 days later a single treatment with oxolinic acid. 3 days later, a complete water change was done to remove all the oxolinic as it then becomes toxic for the fish.
if you cant get any of those above then try the interpet remedy for internal bacteria number 9 and the epsom salts to try and draw the fluid away.

Here's hoping that you never get it!

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