Just recently got a few platies for my 40 gallon tank. I've had this one that is slowly getting a bit larger than the others when it comes stomach wise. I can't tell if she's pregnant or just bloated. Any ideas?
Hello. There's a simple means of getting a pregnant live bearing fish to drop her fry if she's close. If this doesn't work within a few days, then the fish isn't ready. It's that simple. You increase the amount of water you change by 10 percent and make the new water a little warmer than normal. You're not increasing the water change by a lot, that would stress the fish. You're increasing the water change by a little and providing a little warmth. The flush of more clean water and a little warmth will improve the water quality and the female being in improved water conditions will drop the fry a little sooner. This may sound overly simple, but it works.
If a fish has internal problems like bloating, they usually stop eating and do a stringy white poop. If the fish is eating normally, then she is probably carrying babies.
She could also have intestinal worms and most common livebearers from Asian fish farms have worms and gill flukes. I recommend treating them all in a quarantine tank before adding them to an established tank. However, if you don't have a quarantine tank then you just treat the main tank.
Section 3 of the following link has info on deworming fish.
Fish do a stringy white poop for several reasons. 1) Internal Bacterial Infections causes the fish to stop eating, swell up like a balloon, breath heavily at the surface or near a filter outlet, do stringy white poop, and die within 24-48 hours of showing these symptoms. This cannot normally be...
If she is carrying fry, please don't put her in that box I see floating in the second photo. These boxes are very stressful for the fish. It is much better to leave her in the tank to give birth, then catch the fry and put them in the box. Lots of fine leaved plants, real or synthetic, would give the female somewhere to hide while she gives birth, and protect the newly born fry.
From these photos, one can not tell whether she's pregnant, bloated or another internal problem. But in case she would be pregnant, she's not even close to giving birth.