Pregnant Platy Or Not?


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
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0 still just a beginner and im still discovering the wonderful world of platies. anyhoo, i have 5 female platies and 3 male ones. i think they are pregnant but right now one is just laying on the bottom hiding under the rocks. i think she's about to give birth but i dont know for sure. she seems uneasy. :/ so im hoping someone could tell me about what a pregnant platy looks like and how she will act. thanks. ;)
What color is the Platy? I had a yellow Platy and it was quite apparent she was pregnant, because she had a huge dark spot in her abdomen. When I came back from work, the dark spot was gone. Can you see a dark spot in your fish?
having had your platy with males at any time will mean they are pregnant,
signs of a birth about to happen, hiding, eating more or less being grumpy with tank mates and looking like they will burst, if you get a look at them from the back they look almost square. to keep all your fish happy keep 2-3 females per male to ease the stress on the females, have lots of hiding places, if you want to keep any fry try putting in some floating plants the fry tend to be in this after being born, then you can pop them in a breeder net, or fry tank. hth.
ps stress can make a female hold on to her fry, so dont worry if they dont give birth every 4 weeks.
ive got one female whos held on for 4 months but shes got no stress in her tank. maybe shes decided she dont want kids lol. :)
greattttttt. now she's banging into all the other fish. i hope she doesnt hurt them. is this normal behavior? oh yeah, she's a suburst platy and she looks like she's going to burst.

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