Pregnant Platy' Help!

thanks. but i have enough fry for now. i think she had one baby im not sure. it doesnt look like the other fry, it looks more like a platy. i wonder if she did have it and then the stress of birth was just too much for her?
that could be the reason, i once had a moly give birth and a few days later she was dead. hows the 1 platy like fry doin?
now i am 99% sure she did have one fry! it is getting bigger now and definately looks like a platy. he also has 2 vertical stripes on each side of him! he/she is soooo cute! im not sure of its a male or female yet. he doesnt stay put long enough for me to check. lol. how are your molly fry coming along sami?
so sorry about your platy (RIP) :sad: . but congrats on the fry :good: ! with platies and most livebearing fish, you cant tell until they have matured - immature males will look like females(!) because they havent developed the gonopodium yet. Is the platy fry in danger of being eaten by the other fish? Because i can imagine it's probs quite special being the only child of your female platy (RIP). I have 10 yellow platy fry who are getting braver (and fatter :lol: !) every day. they are real fun ( :fun: ) to watch, and ive taught them to eat from the surface now. They are so adorable, and theyre abut 2 cms, but stilll manage to bully their parents into submission for food! Safety (and strength) in numbers!lol, good luck with the rapidly reproducing guppies and platies :good:
he/she is doing great. after they come out from hiding the adults dont bother them. my fry have actually grouped together like a school and they hover the top of the tank waiting for food. a few stay at the bottom. my golden mickey mouse platy had dropped 3 fry so far. she still looks pregnant and i can see the eyes of the fry in her. the babies are soooo cute. theyre golden just like her! i discovered them while i was cleaning the tank. my kids are super excited. they love watching the fry swim around and i actually find it quite theraputic to watch them at night when all is quiet!
he/she is doing great. after they come out from hiding the adults dont bother them. my fry have actually grouped together like a school and they hover the top of the tank waiting for food. a few stay at the bottom. my golden mickey mouse platy had dropped 3 fry so far. she still looks pregnant and i can see the eyes of the fry in her. the babies are soooo cute. theyre golden just like her! i discovered them while i was cleaning the tank. my kids are super excited. they love watching the fry swim around and i actually find it quite theraputic to watch them at night when all is quiet!

lol, i love watchin my fry, lost 3 lately :( RIP little guys. the others are 1cm big now and love eating, i swear some will explode after a feeding.
sorry about the 3 fry (RIP), Sami :rip: good luck with the others :good: .
Mine also stay in a group/school type thing! that way they can push the adults away more easily to get their greedy fins on the food! they are so fun to watch and when they are small, they swim in funny jerking movements - have you found that too?
with my pregnant platy, she dropped about 5 every day for a week - soooooooo annoying!! lol, yeah livebearers have to be one of the most entertaining fish i've kept - especially the fry! :lol:
yes! ive noticed that also! its like theyre spazzing out while theyre swimming. the flit from hiding place to plants. now they have learned when its feeding time. ill turn the filter off so the food doesnt all get blown to the bottom of the tank. when i shut it off they come racing to the serface! its sooo cute! some of the older guppy fry are starting to get colors on their tails.
really? colours already! my platy fry are ages older (approx 6-8wks), but are still the same dull yellow :rolleyes: the fry are so cute - whenever i walk into the room, they all cluster near the surface at the top :hyper: waiting for food.

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