Practical Fishkeeping Mag Free Tank

Oi, I love reading Take a Break! And do their puzzles! And sob over all those sad stories! Even intelligent people need a common rubbish reading break :lol:
By way of an update, mine just arrived and although I'm not intending to use it... at the moment... (might sell it, not sure yet! Don't think I have any surfaces available for a fifth tank but I do kinda want a betta... :crazy: ) I've taken it out for a look. It's more sturdy than I was perhaps expecting which is a good thing and it's a nice size for a worktop. I haven't plugged it in but the LEDs are cool :good:
What filtration media does it come with?

It comes with this

and includes the filter, sponge media with activated carbon hidden inside it and spraybar. You could fit a small bag of ceramic media in there too if you so wished. All in all it's very neat and it fits into the back panel, where there is also room for a heater although that is not included.
mmm... thinking about it...

Problem is I don't really like PFK very much...

I must admit my opinion is based on ONE free issue I got at an aquarium expo...
Can anyone vouch for PFK as a good mag?
mmm... thinking about it...

Problem is I don't really like PFK very much...

I must admit my opinion is based on ONE free issue I got at an aquarium expo...
Can anyone vouch for PFK as a good mag?

Depends what you want from a magazine really. If you like celebrity true life stories then PFK probably isn't for you! :lol:

I must admit I quite like it, I always read the Q&As and I like the pictures, it gives me ideas of things I wouldn't otherwise have tried and it's something light to read on the train.

Why did you decide you didn't like it, if I can ask? Not trying to sell it to you, I have no reason to, I am just intrigued.
To be honest I don't know. It was a kind of feeling...
I remember reading it at the time and being fairly pleased about it, but not overwhelmed about it.

I picked up that issue a couple of days ago, to decide whether to subscribe, and I just couldn't read it. Maybe I was just a bit too distracted or something. I'll give it another go this weekend, then I'll decide.
Do you know what my absolute favourite thing is about this tank?...

On the packaging it is pictured with shrimp in, not 17 gold fish! :hyper:

That reminds me, I saw a tank for sale the other day which was about the same size, 20 litres perhaps, and had guppies, goldfish and clown fish (yes, nemo fish, not loaches!) badly photoshopped onto the picture on the box :S
The company that produce the Wave tanks are actually very good for their packaging. Though on their new (25L) Home tank, i counted 89 rummynose :rolleyes: but it could be far worse and even most idiots can figure that 89 fish wont fit!

I really like the PFK, not the price thats crept up (hence buying subscription makes it cheaper) because I dont read much of it if i read it on the website (which doesnt include everything).

I like being able to read bits and bobs and go back to read it at work while i drink my coffee :) I always read the little facts and Q&A and shoptours first. Then come back and read the articals briefly and then in more depth. It might take me a month or so to properly read it cover to cover! And i generally find myself refering back to past articals or information on fish or tankstyles.

Certainly not really and tropical fish magazines worth paying that sort of price for IMO.
Yes the shop tours are quite fun, one of my favourite bits too... This month was in Kent and they reviewed two I know fairly well... In fact Waterlands (where they sell MAJOR tankbusters) is where I saw the 20l tank above! Wonder if they'd sell me a tiger shovelnose to go in it :lol:

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