Power outage


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
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I live in Atlanta and today we got hit with the remants of the hurricane. Our power was out from about 1 this morning until about 10:30. I was really worried about the fish ( 1 gourami, 3 giant danios, 1 bala shark, and 1 albino catfish) in a 20 gallon tank. They are all still alive and the filter came back on and eveything after being off for almost 10 hours. Is there anything I need to do? I'm hoping I got lucky and everything is okay. THe water still tested okay.
Thanks once again for the advice.
Check your water parameters (ammonia, nitrite) and do a water change as needed.

Fish can live without a filter and lights and most time a heater for a time. But they can't live without O2. So next time if you get concerend about the fish take a wood spoon and stir the water not hard just enought to make it move you don't want to stir a lot of stuff up. I have power outages alot here in Oklahoma. I got tried of stressing on the fish so I got back up power packs for my tank. And a battery powered air pump.
My fish just survived 2 and a half days with no power, no stirring, no battery operated air pump, or anything. I dunno if it was the canister filter, the comparatively light stocking levels, all the plants, or just tough fish! :flex: Just check the water parameters and do water changes if needed.

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