Power Outage


New Member
Mar 20, 2007
Reaction score
Milan, Michigan
Today my power went out, and its pretty much the entire city. My electric company doesn't know when it'll be back on.

Should i be doing anything for my tank?
Is there any way you can rent out a generator to power the filters and heaters in your tank?

If not, you can (as discussed in a thread previously today...take a look :)) wrap up your filter to keep it warm, dont feed your fish to reduce any waste that the fish may produce, if you have access to a battery powered air filter, use it to keep the water oxygenated. Wrap up the tank to keep the water there warm. People have suggested blankets but I think a bed cover would be better....keeps you warm at night so your fish will be warm!

Thats my limited knowledge, copyright of all those on this forum!! :)

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