Power Cut


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2008
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Hi can enyone tell me if my bact in filter will be allright i had a power cut in the middle of night and filter must of been off for 6 hours just done a water test and ammonia is fine 0 but nitrite has raised slightly to inbetween 0 and 0.25
Do water changes fairly frequently until the power comes back on - there's some bacteria on any surface in the tank, but most of it is in the filter, which isn't running now. If it's under 24 hours, you shouldn't have major die off in the biofilter.

I keep my tanks on uninturruptible power supplies, which are usually sold for computers. They'll keep a PC and monitor running for 30 minutes to an hour depending on model, but my tanks have gone for several hours on them before.

Somebody in a similar threat suggested a car battery and a wall plug adapter like they sell in automotive stores. Probably a cheaper option, but remember to keep the battery charged.
As long as the media was wet the whole time the power was out you should be fine, minimal dieback. Just in case, don't feed the fish for 24 hours, and feed lightly for the next few days or so. Less food means less waste produced, giving your nitrifying bacteria a chance to catch up.
Do water changes fairly frequently until the power comes back on - there's some bacteria on any surface in the tank, but most of it is in the filter, which isn't running now. If it's under 24 hours, you shouldn't have major die off in the biofilter.

I keep my tanks on uninturruptible power supplies, which are usually sold for computers. They'll keep a PC and monitor running for 30 minutes to an hour depending on model, but my tanks have gone for several hours on them before.

Somebody in a similar threat suggested a car battery and a wall plug adapter like they sell in automotive stores. Probably a cheaper option, but remember to keep the battery charged.
Power has been back on all day but it was off for 6 hours throw the night

As long as the media was wet the whole time the power was out you should be fine, minimal dieback. Just in case, don't feed the fish for 24 hours, and feed lightly for the next few days or so. Less food means less waste produced, giving your nitrifying bacteria a chance to catch up.
Thanks i have a external filter so it has stayed wet. Shall i do a 25% water change now?
I would do the water change, keep an eye on levels, and increase aeration. Nitrite inhibits a fish's blood from properly carrying O2, some extra aeration will help this.
Somebody in a similar threat suggested a car battery and a wall plug adapter like they sell in automotive stores. Probably a cheaper option, but remember to keep the battery charged.

a fish tank pump/ filter isnt 12 volts ?????
The piece of equipment mentioned is a power inverter. It converts 12vdc to 120/240vac.
I wouldnt panic one tad ! Odds are that its perfectly fine... The nitrite reading maybe simply that the water has stood.... obviously not passed through the filter.
Test again in a couple of days - bet its "normal" again.

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