Power cut help!

My power gets turned off for maintenance a lot, and with 5 fish tanks, it can be stressful. Thankfully, I picked very hardy fish. What I do is add 2 air pumps to my 90g, and because it is so large, it shouldn’t drop too much, and if it does, my Bichir can go down to mid 60’s. In other tanks, if it is days on end, I will rap it in blankets and put an air pump in. All fish of mine have survived power outages.
Already had great advice for the filter. If you have a wood burning stove you have a way of heating water. If the tank temp drops too far you can fill plastic bottles with hot water and float them. It's not ideal and you will need to monitor closely to make sure you don't overheat things. If the tank is open topped then put a cover over it to help keep heat in and stop evaporation. Keeping the room warm will help too.

Hopefully you get your power back soon, got some friends in Ireland that are having the same issue at the moment.
I tried little water changes where the water was a bit warmer but I did it very slowly. Heating the room seemed to be the best I could try. Still off but I hired a petrol generator and it has made life so much easier! Felt sorry for the fish
Thanks everyone for the help. The power came back on Wednesday. So off for 6 days. Rasboras looked a bit pale and they all swimming near the bottom of the tank for some reason. But now they look back to normal and happy. Phew! No fish lost and no shrimps lost (that I can tell).

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