The pH shows the highest colour for that tester. it could be 7.6 or higher than 7.6. Have you tested with the high range pH tester to make sure it's not higher than 7.6? The amount of free ammonia increases as the pH gets higher.
The pH shows the highest colour for that tester. it could be 7.6 or higher than 7.6. Have you tested with the high range pH tester to make sure it's not higher than 7.6? The amount of free ammonia increases as the pH gets higher.
Nitrite and nitrate levels are still 0 and my pH is at 7.6, which is the test's maximum, but yesterday I used the high range pH test and it read the same number.
from water, ammonia exists in two chemical forms: un-ionized ammonia (NH3) and ionized ammonium (NH4+). The combined concentration of these two forms is called total ammonia or total ammonia nitrogen (TAN). The portion of the total ammonia in the un-ionized or ionized forms is affected primarily by pH and temperature and, to a lesser extent, salinity. The portion of un-ionized ammonia increases with increasing pH and/or temperature but decreases slightly with increasing salinity. It is important to know the portion of ammonia in the un-ionized form (NH3) because it is approximately 100 times more toxic to fish than the ionized (NH4+) form.
Florida | Brevard | Brevard Area Reef Society | |
Florida | Miami | Florida Marine Aquarium Society | |
Florida | Orlando | Orlando Reef Caretakers Association | |
Florida | Palm Beach | Palm Beach Marine Aquarium Society | |
Florida | Saratosa | Coastal Aquarium Society | |
Florida | South Florida | Gold Coast Aquarium Society of South Florida | |
Florida | Tampa Bay | Tampa Bay Aquarium Society | |
Florida | Various | Florida Reef Aquarium Group (FRAG) | |
I just did another water change, around 60-75%, and tested the water immediately afterwards. Wait a full 24 hours after a WC to test; the API kit doesn't recognize the difference between ammonia (harmful) and ammonium (harmess, FTMP), so you'll get a positive test every time. Prime converts ammonia to ammonium for 24-36 hours
Filter is a brand new Fluval AquaClear for 70 gallon tanks on the lowest flow setting, only been running for 6 days. Nice HOB filters, I have 5
In the included picture, the darker green test tube contains water from before today's water change, the light green contains water tested a few minutes after the water change. See above; no need for another change today