Post Your Nano Reef Pix

sure, here it is. It's not all that great, but just wait untill a few weeks and i should have alot added to it, including my new lights :D

If your tank is new, and hasn't matured (6-12) months, I would not add any difficult coral. I would only add hardy corals, such as zooanthids, polyps, mushrooms, etc. Also if you get a good and powerful light, it would be a good idea to get mainly photosynthetic coral. If you have coral that you need to feed all the time, it could boost up you nitrates, especially in a nano._CF

Here's a tip, I have starburst polyps, which are kinda of like your pipe organ coral.Every couple days, I feed mine rotifiers, especially if the little tentacle things are skinny. First I turn off all the water flow, Dethaw the rotifier cube in a cup, swirl it around, then let it settle, The I get a small turkey baster, about 5 inches and suck up the rotifiers. After that I squirt the rotifiers right about the polyps and the rotifiers will sink toward them. When they are not hungry the kind of halfway close up. Hopefully the next time the polyps extend tentacles will be thicker. I have been doing this the past week and have noticed a big change. I also do this with my zooanthids too. _CF

Trekbear, what kind of Xenia is that at the top of the tank? _CF

Also, What kind of coral is that puple with pink tips one at the bottom?
Trekbear, what kind of Xenia is that at the top of the tank? _CF

Also, What kind of coral is that puple with pink tips one at the bottom?


The xenia is Elongata species. Very Very Very, did I say Very? Very Prolific xenia IME!!!! :crazy: :hyper:

The coral at the bottom with the purple tips is a Helio Fungia (Long Extra long tentacle Plate coral) a very good LPS coral and easy to care for and it looks like an anemone but doesn't move around like one. It will sting the crap out of corals it comes into contact with however, so care must be taken in placement. It has taken care of mushrooms that tried to grow close to it ;).


Also, I wanted to post a pic of my PICO tank here at work. It's not much just a 2.5gal AGA with an aquaclear HOB 20 filter running stock and 18watt compact flourescent light from Aquatraders. Here it is after setup. I will post another updated pic tomorrow.


PICO TANK @ work

Depends on who you ask. Depth of sand is a good thing for denitrification granted surface area is not great but it will still occur.

Asthetically I like a bit thinner bed but with only 18watts of PC light, I wanted to get the rocks and bottom dwellers up a bit more. And no one at work knows any better they think those "PLANTS" are pretty... LOL

Great pico trekbear! I Love it! :D

demonmagus: The size and light information is in his post with the picture.
Depends on who you ask. Depth of sand is a good thing for denitrification granted surface area is not great but it will still occur.

Asthetically I like a bit thinner bed but with only 18watts of PC light, I wanted to get the rocks and bottom dwellers up a bit more. And no one at work knows any better they think those "PLANTS" are pretty... LOL


ok i get what you mean. ya those "plants" are pretty.
Finally took a picture of the PICO at work. Here it is updated.

Notice the purpleish/green mushrooms up front the lower right one is splitting. He completed it this weekend.


I think it looks pretty good especially with only 18 watts of pc light.

Man oh man, I wish we here in Aus could find some shrooms like that! *drools*

Between those shots, how much time had elapsed?
Mr. Miagi,
The tank has been setup since Oct 26, 2005. So roughly 3 months. I am adding in 2 more frags of zoanthids but that will be it for the tank.

FK2, yep sometimes it amazes me what you can keep in these tanks. The nice thing is frags look like colonies in such a small volume :) .

Just thought i'd post a little picture of my 10g Nano that I started the same time as my large reef. Unfortunately I couldn't give it the time needed so it was dismantled after only 4 months to 'donate' the live rock to the main tank.

I had hopes of setting it up again but that's out the window so if anyones interested in the tank, lights and powerheads (with some live rock thrown in) PM me and we might be able to come to an arrangement.

Pictures of my 20L gal.

Recently Moved Rocks around so in a couple months the rocks will be more mature and natural looking.
Hard to get good pics of full tank since it is soo long.


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