Post Pics Of Your Beautiful Bettas Here!

That's weird. I was disheartened at my LFS today when a lady (obviously stressed so I can't really blame her) told me to leave her alone. Here's the episode.
Her children will be abbreviated hc then her and me
Hc: can we pleeeese get a baby betta fish
Her: whered you keep it?
Hc: in this bowl (grabs 1/3 gallon betta bowl kit)
Her: no we have a nice 20 gallon tank at home there's no need right no sorry.
Hc: (jumping up and down and screaming) we want a baby betta fish!!!!!!!
At this point I step in
Me: well actually betta fish are tropical so they require a heater and will do best with a filter and require at least 2 1/2 gallons and preferably 5 gallons. Also a baby betta may not properly grow in something that small.
Her: how old are you 12 or 13? You think your so cool and know it all don't you? Well your wrong and I know what's best for this fish.
Me: I'm sorry I just wanted to explain to you the basic needs of s betta and yes I am 13 but I do tons of research and own 4 fish tanks of my own. I guess if I really provoked you I'll leave you alone. Sorry.
Her: you better be sorry! Now leave me and my kids alone!
Then she bought the betta for her kids. Sigh. I understand though that she was obviously stressed over her kids yelling in the store but I just wanted to help and felt bad for the poor guy.
I was overhearing their conversation next to the cichlids that she had already called the ugly fish. I'm very disheartened she didn't take any of my advice. I also feel bad for that betta.
Sorry for the story just needed to let out my sorrow.

Oh and the that's weird part was towards the blues being larger than the reds.
Unfortunately you will see people like that all the time.
If someone older had said something maybe she might have taken the advice, but unfortunately because you are so young she ignored you, but well done for trying
I know and obviously the clerk who was just standing there didn't say a word hoping shed give in to her childrens whim so he could make a few bucks although he would've made more if he'd suggested my advice lol.
+1 for the being young gets you ignored I'm nearly 19 and still get ignored :( uuuuhhh people don't worry to much it isn't ur fault mate :) just selfish people who need a good kick in the head
I know I Khufu feel bad for the little guy. May not be able to grow :(
well here is Ace

Thanks mate he wasn't right since breeding I dnt think he got passed the depression of leaving his babies :( I know I wouldn't :(
My beautiful crowntail boy Atlas:
(Sorry for photo quality but man my camera is terrible, getting a new one soon so should have some better ones in the near well as another betta haha)


The only clear shot I have of him!

This one is really blurry, but he is flaring (which he almost never does without a mirror in front of him) so I figured I should put it on too!

And just for fun, a snapshot I took of him busy stalking one of my cory cats!
My new betta, Mark. Is he a crowntail?


Here's a video of him-

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