Post A Pic Of Your Fish Tank & Rate The Fish Tank Above You

leeches? :crazy: It's a tropical aquarium :unsure:

Would love to score the tank above, but my eyesight is too poor. 10 out of 10 for the effort of taking part though! Looks like you have loads of plants/decor. A bigger picture would be great :)


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leeches? :crazy: It's a tropical aquarium :unsure:

Would love to score the tank above, but my eyesight is too poor. 10 out of 10 for the effort of taking part though! Looks like you have loads of plants/decor. A bigger picture would be great :)

I love the wood at the back and the substrate, nice rocks too. once them plants grow more it'll look even more better. 8/9 . In a few months it'll reach 9 :good:

I absolutely love Discus, they are a fish i have never kept, one day though. And because yours look so healthy, i am going to give a 9.5 :good:

Heres my old reef. R.I.P.


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I didnt read wei's "rules".
I never was really good at following rules anyways.

Here, I edited my post so that the internet gods wouldnt strike me down with fire and brimstone. :crazy:


Btw, the "sucker thingy" is usedto feed my fish fresh cucumber.
All tens, you are generous!
Love your tank, but minus 1 for the white sucker thing on the front, and minus 3 for the extra pics. So 6 ;)


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Oh I've gone and screwed the whole thread up. :rolleyes:
Karl, I like your tank.
It's a little bare atm, but looks healthy and clear.
I'm not going to "rate" someone's picture.
I'll critic it, but too rate it would be judgemental.

I think if you added some more stem plants, perhaps some polysprerma in the back, it would fill out the back side of the tank more.
Maybe change the background too something darker, but if you prefer the blue it works as well.

Bah...I'm going out for coffee now. :drool:

Sorry for breaking the dam rules and making a mess outta things.
I hope you all enjoy the hobby as much as me, and continue posting your pics here as I will too.
Keep them coming, just one at a time. :shout:
All tens, you are generous!
Love your tank, but minus 1 for the white sucker thing on the front, and minus 3 for the extra pics. So 6 ;)

8/10, nice tank :)

My 105 gal Oceanic, with an oscar, convict, and firemouth.


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9/10...minus 1 for the flash.

PS....I almost closed this thread. These are...let's say...sometimes can be dangerous threads.
i would really like to see some more colour from your tank so ill go 9/10 because you really held back on the colour

:) just kidding 10/10

here she is

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