Possibly 3 Males Left Out Of 7

Goober showed none...
Hugh was being treated for mouth rot..
sparten just went really unexpected...
Bluey seemed inactive and had just recovered fin rot......
this guy is listless and has a dark red patch above his anal fin...
in this pic you can just about see a dark patch in the highlited area?


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are these males in a divided tank? just wondered as if they are i think i may have the cause of it but still waiting for a reply on the symptoms, oh and how long has this been happening for?

sorry had trouble getting a pic up!
its been this one week...
yeah they were in divided tanks but now individual tanks being treated on Meth blue....
i took the sponge filter out of all tanks now too boil and nets are being boiled too, just incase there was a muddle but have been so carefull..
The reason i asked is because i think it is columnaris, here take a look at this, columnaris can show as different sypmtoms, it isnt set in stone on how its shows on every fish, concerns me about the mouth rot and the red area on this fish, some fish dont show any symtoms, they just die unfortunatley, this is a really good site and i use it all the time.
true but what can be done?
and how did it pass from tanks?
cuz there seperate...
each with its own net
the thing about cross contamination is that we never realize what our hands are doing, i would put money on it being from the hands going from one tank to the other.
have a read of the link i gave you as it gives some excellent advise
the thing about cross contamination is that we never realize what our hands are doing, i would put money on it being from the hands going from one tank to the other.
have a read of the link i gave you as it gives some excellent advise
also theres this little tip too.
a while agio we had 3 sets of 80+ guppies come in and we lost 95% of them , they had to stay in quarantine for ages, we got so sick to death of not knowing why they were dropping like flys that we tried a wild guess as they werent showing any sign at all until one of them showed saddleback, we treated with anti bacterial and this worked perfect, after totally cleaning out the tanks and setting it up again it went away, now when we get the guppies in we treat straight away with anti bacterial to stop this happening again and now we dont have any problems, we always treat regardless of how they look. we also do it for the other fish that are prone to this like platy, mollies and all our bettas are treated with this as well and then a small course of myxazin (sp again, i usually spell it wrong :unsure: ) weve been treating bettas this way from the very start of importing them.

will prob get someone saying that this doesnt work but trust me on this it does work, i dont use anything else now
Any news today on how your new boy is doing?

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