Possible Sick Fish


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Part 1 of previous topic

My two thick lipped gouramis were getting bullied by one of my mollies. One had quite a lot of lumps taken out of it dorsal fin and tail and it subsequently died. Also, they wont fight for food when I feed flake or bloodworm and im afraid of them starving.

Also I have two 'Gibxxx' apologies as I can remember their name, they are like a plec, algae eaters with huge dorsal fins. Im trying to feed them on algae wafers but they wont go for it and let the rest of the fish tear away with it. Even when I put a wafer in a hiding place, the smaller fis pull it out and nibble at it.

All help appreciated!


Ok just tested my water there. The results from last friday till today are:

23/01/2009 PH 7 - 7.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 1, nitrate 5

29/01/2009 PH 7 - 7.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 1, nitrate 5 - 10

I lost 2 small PLATYS yesterday, and another 1 today. I have just noticed this evening that my black moly has a white mouth/lips. Also a swordtail has 2 very small white spots on his body.

I fear the worst now - please help.

I have done a 20% water change twice a week for the past 5 weeks - adding the relevant aquasafe to the new water each time. Also I have got 2 air stones inside ornaments coming on 3 times a day at 2 hour intervals, and a JUWEL air diffuser on the pump outlet. Is too much aeration part of the cause or is this amount ok?
Ryan - can you describe in a bit more detail the problems with your black molly and swordtail please?

Firstly - the molly - you say she "has a white mouth/lips" - can you check to see whether this "whiteness" looks like fluffy cotton wool or slime - or is it just a case of discolouration from the stress of fighting/bullying?

Secondly - the swordtail - you say it "has 2 very small white spots on his body" - where exactly are these spots and can you give a rough estimate of their size (are they pinhead sized or larger), are they raised spots or flat, are they clearly defined or blurry edged? And are there only two or have you noticed more since then?

I don't think your aeration is a problem. It's probably something to do with recent bad water quality that's started it off. If there is bullying going on in the tank, this can also stress fish in the tank environment and that has a knock-on effect...lower immune system then illness.

If we can identify some of these illnesses and you're able to begin treatment asap then you might be able to prevent any further deaths.

Any idea what the platies died from? Did they have any white spots or patches on them?

Regards - Athena

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