Possible Fin Rot?


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Aug 5, 2011
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Tank size: 10 gal
pH: at last water test...less than 1 week ago tank was in good shape, including ammonia, nitrite, nitrate levels.

tank temp:78F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

I have two fish that I am concerned about...the first being a new Betta we bought.

The beta has been in our fresh water tank for about 2 weeks, just two or three days ago we noticed the end of his tale is starting to becoming pale, then fuzzy and now it is slowly disintegrating away. This symptom is seen most predominantly in the caudal fin and possibly some in the anal fin, however, i cannot see anything wrong with the dorsal fin. I do not see any other symptoms. He is still swimming around quite vigorously, has a good appetite and seems well adjusted to the community of fish in the tank (which includes 3 rummy nose tetras, two neon tetras, 1 albino cory catfish, and 1 leopard cory catfish.

At the same time I am realizing my albino cory catfish is having some fin problems too. However, his look quite different, instead of seeming fuzzy or appearing to disintegrate he looks like there are great big bites that have been taken away from his dorsal fin and tail. In addition, his right fin looks much smaller than the one on his left. They may have two completely different problems, or they may be related. The cory came with the tank when we got it about a year ago...which i must admit, the previous owners had left in terrible shape. But I do not see any changes in his behavior as compared to when we got him either. No discoloration, no change in appetite or activity level as well.

I would appreciate any help anyone could offer because fish stores always seem to try to sell me more products than I need etc....

Volume and Frequency of water changes: We do a 15% water change 1/week

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: we add cycle to the tank after each water change and conditioner to newly added water.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): The betta

Exposure to chemicals: N/a

2011-08-04 21.52.17.jpg

Here's a picture of the catfish
2011-08-04 21.51.24.jpg
Well im pretty sure it is the betta that is biting the fins of the catsish, but i can not explain the deteriorating fins on the betta.
Well im pretty sure it is the betta that is biting the fins of the catsish, but i can not explain the deteriorating fins on the betta.

Thanks for the quick reply, I did see the betta nipping at my tetras the other day, but my husband said it was fine...i guess i will have to take him out of the tank, it's just too bad because i know he loves having all that space, but i guess i better do it anyway because he might infect the other fish...

Thanks, and hopefully someone will have an idea of what's wrong with the betta :)

Well im pretty sure it is the betta that is biting the fins of the catsish, but i can not explain the deteriorating fins on the betta.

Will my catfish's fins grow back to normal?

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