Possible Contributing Factor To Missing Ventrals In Fry


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I was pondering something today that all you breeders and prospective breeders thinking about using dry/prepared foods might want to think about. Remember how in my first spawn I had several fish with missing ventrals? Well, in this spawn I don't have one... not a single one at 6 weeks, and I've missed water changes several times due to finals, so it's not like the bottom is cleaner than it was with the last spawn.

I think the problem was decapsulated brine shrimp eggs.

The eggs sunk to the bottom, and any that weren't eaten within a few minutes rapidly decayed. It's my belief that this led to an unusually high amount of bacterial growth on the bottom and thus the ventrals of my fry getting attacked.

In this spawn I haven't used the decapsulated eggs, and went straight from BBS to grindal worms. No missing ventrals.

So yeah... just another reason to avoid prepared foods.
Interesting... I adopted several babies from Clover with various degrees of missing venetrals. One with one, one with none and one with half ventrals. Maybe you should drop and email to... wossname, the one that does all the experiments into bettas. Wayne? I dunno.
Good idea OohFeeshy! I've got to find a link to that site now...
hey. i think it's waynesthisandthat.com that you're talking about? not sure if he still does experiments with bettas though. worth checking out still.

That's the link ezrock, thanks :). I was having trouble finding it
No problem! I have it in memory because I've chatted with him a few times via email. His site and mine trade links also ;)



PS. Synirr, I'll be hopefully starting the glass bettas for you on Tuesday if I have some time :) Saw your update today and the spawn is coming along nicely! Should be some nice pairs for me in there :drool:
Awesome, I can't wait to see how they turn out :)

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