Possible Breeding Trigger


Fish Addict
Jun 14, 2007
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I have had my corys for a while now and had been trying to breed them (with no luck)
But now I'm swamped with eggs..

I had a fully cycled tank and removed some media due to filter problems and went into a mini cycle :(
I started to do 10% water changes daily but due to me being a planted tank I got attacked with Alage due to running out of Ferts rapidly.

when I say algae more diatoms (brown algae) but as I have read these can raise the Nitrate levels (don't know if it's true)
Now I have many fry with ammonia (very minimal mounts now as my filters recovering)

my nitrate levels have shot through the roof due to excess ammonia (even doing water changes)

I'm wondering if the nitrates can be a trigger as I know they don't like them (corys are sensative to them) the rapid change fomr high nitrate to low could be a trigger along with nice food. as when my mini cycle started they went nuts :/

p.s I have also had hot weather tank got to 27C

sound plausible?
I would guess that it was more likely to be the daily water changes, in the wild in the rainy season the water temp will drop a few degrees which triggers breeding in a lot of fish
Daily water changes have stopped yet they are going at it like rabbits :)
low pressure systems in the weather will start them off as well ,it happens with mine
I have found lots of triggers when they are ready to breed. The biggest trigger is maturity. Once they start they can keep it up. Some species just don't seem to take breaks. Bronze and pandas are rabbits for sure once they start.

I have heard that it is the warming of the water after a cool water change that is the trigger. But really the little beasts seem to have a plan all their own that they keep to themselves and switch around just to keep us confused. Take the swallowing sperm debate! :hyper:

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