Porcupine Puffer With Ich


New Member
Aug 31, 2007
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I'm living in Hawaii, special ordered a fish from Petco. He arrived on Wednesday, I picked him up on Friday. He seems to have adjusted well. He eats very well, is very alert, even curious. I am so in love!

But Saturday night, I noticed small little white spots all over. Difficult to notice at first, but since, they've become more apparent. I've received a broad spectrum of advice from "just be sure he eats and dump some stress coat in, he'll be fine" to people suggesting copper, formalin, methylene blue, etc (which I know he'll react poorly to). Yes hospital tank, no hospital tank. Fresh water dips 1 min, to three hours! Hyposaline dips of 1.009ppt.

It's just overwhelming, and I so badly want to make the best choices for this guy.

Yesterday I added stress coat. Today I did a hypo dip for 15 minutes. Five minutes later, he hate just fine.

My parameters are:

pH 7.6
nitrite .125
nitrate 15ppm
ammonia 0.

For nitrite and nitrate, I sort of guessed high on, but they could be as low as 0 nitrite and 10ppm for nitrate.

What do I do next? Help!
Ammonia and NitrIte should always be 0 in a mature tank, did you cycle your tank before hand?
If he's a mail order fish, I would expect the journey to be incredibly stressful anyway, which can bring on whitespot all by itself.

Any tank mates?
I would let him be. Keep feeding vitamin enriched foods using selcon and garlic. High quality food and high quality water will help a healthy fish out of it. Over here these fish seem to come in with flukes. We use Prazipro for that. When I set up my fowlr I will feed prazi as a preventative.

When you did the nitrite test did you do a re-check? If I get a weird reading I always retest. If you aren't sure about the color have someone with you to give their opinion.
Hi Seffie,

Thank you for the welcome and your concern. He's still kicking! His appetite seems a little diminished, and he has snubbed both cocktail and mysis shrimp, and then eaten the other when I've offered. His spots grew in size, I dipped him in hypo for 12-15 min two consecutive days, and they reduced in size, but as far as I could tell, not in number. Do they shrink away? Although he was calm through the dips, catching seemed to add a lot of stress, so I've backed off. The little guy is so aware he would rush to the back of the tank if I approached, even if just for feeding. Eating is so important at this point, I really want to maintain that.

Any advice?
I would leave him alone for now - I take it he is the only fish in the tank?

I am surprised you have nitrIte in your tank, how long since the cycle? Do you have live rock for filtration?

Phosphate levels?

What is your sg?

Have you tried wiggling a prawn on a stick?

How long did you acclimatise him for?

Seffie x

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