New Member
I made a post last week as I noticed my platy acting odd in the main tank. Noticed the other male chasing him and he was lying on the bottom or upright and hiding. When I moved him to his own small tank I noticed a red wound on him I assumed he had been nipped. After a day in his own tank he perked up swimming happily eating well. He's been in it a week and I thought about moving him into the big tank again but when doing water changes I saw his wound hadn't heeled I decided to keep him in there longer and used some aquarium salt and previously melafix. This morning he was happy swimming up to eat. Tonight he's took a huge plummet and looks so poorly. He's swimming on his side. Upside down looking like one side of his body isn't working. Is this swim bladder? He acted similar to this when I first moved him out but then had been fine ever since now tonight he looks really unwell. What can I do. I've also posted his red wound to check what you guys think it is incase this is still what is making him ill