Poorly Cory !


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2008
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Hi, I would like some advice on one of my corys. Yesterday all was well but today one is just sitting on the bottom falling to one side and a few times I have spotted him upside down. I've never had a poorly fish before so I would like some advice from experienced members as to what, if anything I can do. Water stats are fine
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
Any advice welcome thanks. :/
What type of substrate do you have?
Whta other fish do you have i the tank?
What is the size of the tank?
How long has the tank been established for?
Is the affected fish showing any sign of illness except for the ones you have described? Is he paler? Darker? Is he eating? Are his barbels looking ok? Does he have any wounds or are his fins frayed at all? How is his breathing?
Thanks for replying Sofia, the tank is 65L and has been established since February after completing a fishless cycle. The substrate is sand and I also have some Harlequins and Cardinal Tetras. All are fine and there are no other signs of injury at all. He has been eating fine up until today. Hope that helps a little more.
Sounds like a bacterial infection to me.
Once they lay on there backs they rarely make it.
Can you suggest any medication to go in the tank that might help him?
I dont know if wilder means an internal or exteral bacterial infection or whether it would be an good idea to treat the tank with some anti bacterial meds just incase anyother fish become infected.
Whats your location.

Sofia internal bacteria infection. Once corys show these signs the med can be to late.
I do have some Protozin,would that be beneficial to add to the tank ? It's really not looking good is it? :no:
Thats a parasite med.
You need anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
No its not sounding good.
Any sores or red streaking on the belly of the fish.
No nothing at all, and I was able to see the underneath very well when he was on his back. Fingers crossed he makes it through the night! :/
Glad to say he seems to have improved today and is keeping his balance okay now, he has also eaten tonight so things are looking better now.

Thanks for all the advice yesterday. :good:
Have you added a bacterial med to the tank?
No, I have not added anything at all as he seemed so much better by the time I got the medication. Glad to say that he is now back to his old self and quite lively. How strange indeed, I thought he was a gonna! So glad he is still with us. :nod:

Thanks though for all your advice. :good:
Glad he's on the mend.

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