Pondering an online order...

I'm always nervous the first few days after getting new fish (especially after my experience with the neon tetras in February). I think that's when they are most vulnerable. I look in on the quarantine tank frequently and try to count the fish. So far, so good. Everyone looks healthy. I'll feed them for the first time soon. Bug Bites for the corys and I got some Bug Bites algae wafers for the shrimp.
What do you think about how Dan's Fish bags them?
I was a little surprised because I expected the fish to be in the same bag. But individual bags makes sense with corys. It works. The fish and shrimps arrived in good health and it keeps shipping costs down.
I just used a pair of scissors to cut the top off. Then I poured the fish and water into a deep plastic colander I got just for this purpose. Then right into the tank.
I can see myself ordering from them again in the future.
Do you know what the pellet is that they put in with the fish? They put a little moss in with the shrimp.
I was a little surprised because I expected the fish to be in the same bag. But individual bags makes sense with corys. It works. The fish and shrimps arrived in good health and it keeps shipping costs down.
I just used a pair of scissors to cut the top off. Then I poured the fish and water into a deep plastic colander I got just for this purpose. Then right into the tank.
I can see myself ordering from them again in the future.
Do you know what the pellet is that they put in with the fish? They put a little moss in with the shrimp.
My fish bags from TWS always contain a small bit of sponge-looking material...it's an ammonia absorber...that may be what the "pellet" was...
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The moss in the shrimp bag is because shrimps need something to stand on. I had a piece of filter floss in the bag when I bought shrimps on-line.

In one shop, there was a tank of shrimps, no substrate and just a half coconut shell for decor. All the shrimps were on the coconut shell. Those that couldn't find a space on the shell itself were standing on other shrimps.
i do almost all of my ordering online as the trusted lfs has very little selection and its that or petco 😐. i would 1000000% recommend aquatic arts. have received dozens and dozens of fish from them with 0 issue. its my little hidden gem!!
The online shops I have been extremely pleased with are Aquatic Arts, Dan, and Live Fish Direct. Dan and Live Fish Direct individually bag fish. The Wet Spot is also supposed to be terrific. I’m planning an order there soon.

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