Pondering an online order...

I usually wait until the following morning to feed, just because new fish tend to be a bit too stunned to eat much right away. If they're actively foraging and telling me they're hungry, I might feed them after an hour or two. But I don't want a bunch of food rotting in the tank, so I wait until they're acting hungry.
My other concern is giving the tank itself time to adjust to the bio load. I'm probably worrying a bit too much. I have some floating plants in the quarantine tank so that should be fine.
Personally I favour the plop and drop approach, I skip the whole acclimation routine and as soon as the water is the right temp I get them into clean fresh water.
For feeding I just feed the next time I feed everyone else, but tend to err on the side of underfeeding, and add a bit more if they polish it off immediately. No idea if this is right or wrong but it works for me, and I do have pygmy corys bought online.
I agree. My goal is to get them out of the bag and into the quarantine tank as soon as possible.
You MAY find Dan's Fish's bagging a bit different. At least the fish I've gotten locally are not in rubber banded bags. They are in pouches that seem thermally sealed with air under slight pressure.
You MAY find Dan's Fish's bagging a bit different. At least the fish I've gotten locally are not in rubber banded bags. They are in pouches that seem thermally sealed with air under slight pressure.
That makes sense. Less chance of the bag becoming undone in shipping.
That makes sense. Less chance of the bag becoming undone in shipping.
That is a possibility but I think it is more to make for a smaller shipping package. With a totally sealed package and the air under pressure they can use a smaller package with less water reducing the weight which would reduce shipping costs.
Tuesday is the big day. I added some Amano shrimp to my order. I had been thinking about getting some anyways and I might as well get my money's worth with the shipping.
Tuesday is the big day. I added some Amano shrimp to my order. I had been thinking about getting some anyways and I might as well get my money's worth with the shipping.
Hope that everything arrives fine. After all I have been promoting them. ;) Like I've said I've never experienced their shipping as they are local for me... like 50 yards away. I just like how they treat their fish and how they do their tanks. Shoot, there are times that they receive fish that they don't feel are up to their standards and have tanks specifically for such to give them as good of a life as possible.
Hope that everything arrives fine. After all I have been promoting them. ;) Like I've said I've never experienced their shipping as they are local for me... like 50 yards away. I just like how they treat their fish and how they do their tanks. Shoot, there are times that they receive fish that they don't feel are up to their standards and have tanks specifically for such to give them as good of a life as possible.
I like what I've seen from them so far in communicating with them. They've been informative and patient.
I got them this morning. So far so good. They were packed well. The fish and shrimp seem healthy and are settling into their quarantine tank.

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