Pond trashed ... Free fish anyone?

Personally I would have tried to tape it and then get even.

You can't let other people push you around like that.
That would have pissed me off so flocking much. I don't know how you could take it and not react in trying to find the person. I would have reported it to the police, or I would have done more than what you have. Nothing personal against you, but I wish I was in your place/situation. So I could get the guy or woman and kick their flocking arse... :angry:

But we do need people in the world who are not evil like that, which is why the world has people like you :wub: But thats no excuse for that bastidge to be pulling that crap on you. I have a pond, and I accidently bred my goldfish, they are 4 inches or a little smaller or wider and they had babies. I have loads of weedplants in their so the fish could hide. Should have spent my money on Koi instead of feeder Goldfish :D

But I hope you get back into it :*)

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