pond goldfish with tumors

Its looking good,more active and eating like it used too. The wound has healed skin over...no fungus at all on her. She did lose some dorsal finnage at its worst...but that will come back.
Again- Don't give up on Goldfish and Koi. Looking at Discus and blink? Sure, that can kill them!
Have seen some lumps on a couple of the goldfish/shubunkins in my dad's pond recently, a knowlegeable friend who was visiting said they were ulcers, not tumours. But they look more like large smooth bumps under the skin surface, very tumour-like, not like what I'd consider an ulcer to be - but I'm thinking of ulcers in humans, perhaps it looks different on a fish?
Will try to catch those fish and get some photos tomorrow.

@Alice B or @Colin_T - my friend said that putting the fish in a tank to treat them with an ulcer treatment would do the trick. Have you any idea what kinda of medication that might be? Or if goldfish can even get ulcers? Thank you!
The definition of an ulcer is a open wound inside or outside the body. Those giant tumors on Goldfish and Koi are for sure tumors.
Maybe I got lucky. Or maybe the fish Doctors vid was informative enough to save a fishes life.
The definition of an ulcer is a open wound inside or outside the body.

That's what I thought! I was so confused when he was insisting they were ulcers.

I'll really need to catch the fish and put them in a tank or tub to get some clear photos. It actually looked like a couple of different types of issues. Might not get a chance tomorrow since I'm in the middle of setting up a new indoor tank, but I'll add it to my to-do list! I appreciate the advice and knowledge in this thread though, thank you all. Both interesting, and helpful!

I've seen the vid of the King of DIY operating on his arawana, and found that pretty mindblowing, and have heard of people removing tumours from their goldfish before, but I really don't think I'm brave enough to try it myself...

@Stan510 wishing your shubunkin a speedy recovery!
Don't treat them for anything until you know what the problem is.


They might have koi pox, which is a virus and doesn't respond to any medication.

Ulcers appear as red sores and are caused by bacteria.
Don't treat them for anything until you know what the problem is.


They might have koi pox, which is a virus and doesn't respond to any medication.

Ulcers appear as red sores and are caused by bacteria.
Sorry, will get some pics ASAP! Definitely won't try to treat or medicate them unless and until we know what's going on with them.

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