Polypertus Palmas


Mar 19, 2006
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Canada, Ontario
here is my new polypertus palmas, the only problem is that i think it looks much more like a congo bichir then a marble

any opinions and such are welcome, he is in a 90 gallon with a baby oscar and electric blue j.d




thank you for any and all help :)

p.s: the last pic is really bad, :)
Looks like a polypterus bichir lapradei, a lower jaw species that gets much larger than any palmas subspecies.
Thats not a P.palmas or any of the subspecies It does look like a young P.lapradei as astroboy said it could reach up to 24 inches-Anne
Definitely agree....that is Polypterus bichir lapradei without a doubt.

Looks like it needs a bit of fattening up lol. I have an ornate and he loves his food, sometimes you can see his stomache bulging lmao.
In my personal oppinion, it should be fine. Longer is better, but that's probably the best home it could have found. Especially with a good experinced fish keeper using TFF!

good job mate :good:
A standrd 90 gallon is 48 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 25 3/8
empty weight 160lbs
full weight 1050lbs
120! wow this is my lucky day :)

lol..i thought having a dempsey + oscar + bichir was over stocking alot, geuss not :)+

what other odd balls could i add to my 120 gallon? maybe another bichir of some sort, ive always liked the ornate

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