Plecs For 60 Litre

pic looks ace, yea the mollie and the platy would still go for the algae wafer, they used to eat the catfish pelets as the were falling, funny to watch, but not for the loach who died
Yer I just tuck it for you so feel loved lol sorry iv had a beer sorry the pic is not great am using my phone.
Bristlenose Catfish ideally need a minimum of 15G as they can reach about 5" and produce a lot of waste.
As others have said, Pitbull Plecs should be ok provided they are in a small group and the water is well oxygenated.
ok thanks stang, i think i will get about 4-6 otto's, would they shoal together and hang around with each other or not?
They don't always hang out together, just seem to do their own thing a lot of the time.

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