Plecos Im Cold Water?

your right there, your comments aren't worth it. and just so you know, i dont put just anything in my tanks, and yes it was UNLUCKY ABOUT MY FISH DYING. atleast i dont whinge about it! perhaps i could take the mick out of some of your problems???
Perhaps you could trundle off back to PF where you seem to be at more control over your emotions. Probably because there you cant hide behind a fake id just to come and troll and cause problems. Funny how on there you did nothing but complain about the trolls and pester for them to be banned constantly, yet you join here and do exactly what you complained about. Talk about hypocrite!

At least I removed my offensive comments - have you done so with your posts? No.

Funny the mods still haven't stepped in - reported this yesterday. I dont see why you should be allowed a membership when your sole purpose of being here is to rip the piss out of people or have a go. Why else are you here? Helped anyone lately?

No need to shout about the deaths either. I stand by my comments - which incidentally for those interested were that a. I post about tank size to help people keep their big plecs happy and healthy and b. that if you feel it's snobby then that's your problem, but you cant judge my comments when your way of keeping plecs has resulted in (very sadly) many deaths recently.

As for whinging about it - hmm - what's the signature on PF all about. "Dead list:....blah blah blah"...dont talk to me about feeling sorry for yourself ;)
swearing huh? im sure thats against the rules. the "dead list" is a bit of fun, im not feeling sorry myself, i never do and im not hiding behind anything. different forum, different name. my "way" as you put it has nothing to do with plecs dying in my tank. they were all new introductions and unbeknown to myself my ph had changed, therefore causing a fatal shock. cories breeding, bn's breeding and apisto's breeding are all testiment that my tanks are healthy, so unlesss you can find anything else you want to slate me for let me get on with what i want to do. And that is to tell it how it is. and yes that paul bloke is a moron.
Grow up darling.

Over and out - I'm leaving this to the mods, let them sort it out. If you want to whinge on go to pm. Just dont go around trying to make me out to be the bad guy when you're the one name calling, telling people what they can and cant post, and saying that giving out info constitutes as moaning.

You need to hear some moaning mate - is that why you're so easily frustrated? ;)
who have i told what they can and cant post? i have merely stated a fact that paul is a moron, and that you do nothing but whinge and moan, like you do on every other forum i see you on. moan whinge, moan whinge nag nag nag, your like my bloody mother! yeah keep feeding the troll cause i have a huge appetite!
Whether Paul is a moron or not is not for us to decide.

Has anyone ever looked at where Paul is from? Maybe that will give a clue to the lack of clarity in his posts. Instead of attacking, a simple question of clarification would work.
Umm does this mean Common Plecos can't live in coldwater either? Just a question.
Aren't Those little Butterfly ones for cooler/Cold Water.

Maidenhead Keep Rubberlip's in the Coldwater tanks.
Don't forget that (unless we're talking outdoors, which is silly), coldwater means room temperature. Room temp is pretty warm (unless you like the cold)- definately in sub-tropical temps and sometimes in tropical temps.
Common plecos can live in sub-tropical to tropical temps, many believe that the cooler tropical temps are in fact more suited to them. But there are not any coldwater pleco's as far as i am aware, just a lot of tropical and sub-tropical ones. I have a common pleco in my goldfish tank purely because the temps never fall below sub-tropical temperatures (and also because it used to bully my other plecos, so had to be separated either way).
Many fancy goldfish are actually sub-tropical (and would die if ever exposed to freezing pond temps), so there are some plecos you can technically keep with them, but very strong filtration is needed (i would advise more than one filter in the tank, and overfiltering the tank at that) since both plecos and goldfish are high waste producers. However some plecos have been know to latch onto goldfish to suck their slime coats off, so a lot of care and a wary/stern eye kept over them is needed to keep them successfully.

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