
How much did you pay for..
Goldie Pleco
Para Pleco
Leopard Cactus Pleco
Columbian Zebra's
Leopard Frog Pleco
Big White Spot Pleco
Belo Monte Pleco?
And also are you selling them? Will pay full shop price if they are in excellent condition?
If not where did you buy them from?

Prices vary but you dont want to know what i paid for them (the L014 like simon was £12 ;) )
I bought most when they wes really small and have had them for a while now.

I can get more of most of them (I have a friend that runs a store) and i know what he has kept for his display tanks (eg not officialy for sale) he has some very nice L333s at the moment (mature adults) but they would be about £40 each. I know he has 3 Belo monte's too (from our group) that he has in a discus display tank - they are £55 each.

Drop me an email ;) [email protected]
Clown plec, about two inches will grow to five. In a two foot tank with cories, danios, shrimp and snails.
my plec montage.. (click for big)

Havent got pics of my 2 golden ancistrus, my L190 Royal Panaque or my big Blue Phantom plec (L200)

I had to pay £40 for my L-14 :-(

Nice pleco's guys i want a starlight or a big white spot one, how much do you look to pay for theesE?
Smith, you have the nicest plecs.

But no snowballs? why no snowballs in your beautiful collection?
Kool kool,
Any othe rpics of pleco's people!
I love seeing them especially in their enviroment in which you set up for them
What i would like to know is how do you tell if a starlight BN or your pleco, "spot" has whitespot? Lol... If you didnt see any flicking or rubbing, whey would just look normal wouldnt they? :lol:
Whitespots protrude, quite obviously usually, plecs patterning doesnt. If i wasnt sure i would personally remove the fish from the water and scrape the white spot with a cotton wool bud or something to see if it was a parasite that could be removed.


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