You will need to consider varying things before just saying .. yes i like that plec.
What's the current tank mates?
Whats, the current substrate?, sand, gravel... smooth, sharp?
What the tank setup like?, hiding places, bogwood etc etc
What temperature do you keep the tank at?
There is so much more to actually having a nice looking plec, there initial needs need to be considered. Species to species differ in the way of care and setup.
At the moment the tank is a goldfish tank but the goldfish are being moved tomorrow and then I can change the tank how I want after that.
Current tank mates will be 12 female bettas.
Current substrate is soft rounded gravel but I'm changing to sand at the weekend.
Tank set up (it can be however I want - I'm doing a swap around at the weekend). There will definiately be bog wood in there and I can add some nice slate caves; but there are ornamets in there at the moment which will be perfect hiding spots.
Tank will be 25-26 - possibly a degree either side.