Fish Gatherer
You will need to consider varying things before just saying .. yes i like that plec.
What's the current tank mates?
Whats, the current substrate?, sand, gravel... smooth, sharp?
What the tank setup like?, hiding places, bogwood etc etc
What temperature do you keep the tank at?
There is so much more to actually having a nice looking plec, there initial needs need to be considered. Species to species differ in the way of care and setup.
At the moment the tank is a goldfish tank but the goldfish are being moved tomorrow and then I can change the tank how I want after that.
Current tank mates will be 12 female bettas.
Current substrate is soft rounded gravel but I'm changing to sand at the weekend.
Tank set up (it can be however I want - I'm doing a swap around at the weekend). There will definiately be bog wood in there and I can add some nice slate caves; but there are ornamets in there at the moment which will be perfect hiding spots.
Tank will be 25-26 - possibly a degree either side.
That's ultimately the best way to do it, work round the plec rather than the other way round.
Just be careful the betta dont decide to constantly harass, stressing the plec isn't gonna be good and will encourage illness which would then obviously spread to the betta's (vicious circle).
The temp wise is good for most, the sand substrate is ideal and the bogwood and advantage. The caves and hiding places are a must but it sounds like you have that covered, now to pick a species lol.
There are many species you could chose. The obvious ones would be bristlenose species but you have mentioned this isn't what you want. so what about a hypan or peckoltia species?...
Have a look here for HERE! for hypan species
HERE! for peckoltia species.
Quite a few will be readily available but some will be much harder and at a much higher price.
There will be various others from the mentioned L15 to the L104, L102 to the lovely 204.
Basically trying to chose a plec for you is to hard a job, everybody has there distinct taste's and with so many species available it really is a mine field lol.
Good luck in your search, if you find a few species, post them up here and we can tell you if they are completely suitable to your setup
Brilliant; thanks. I'll look at it tonight when I'm not at work