Pleco Found In Bogwood!

Its about 15-20 minutes drive from where I am. I dont think they'll be open by the time I get there?? :unsure:
Anywhere else a bit closer??? what about prestine api? is that no good then?
Hi there,
I'm still trying to get a photo, I'm thinking it may be a sailfin pleco. Looks like a nice little pleco ;)
Im still trying to find somewhere that does soll bactinetts :unsure:
If you do a large water tonight do not feed it do another one in the morning the go to maidenhead in the morning and pick up the bactinetts you will be ok.
Shall I test the water and tell you what the ph,gh,kh, no2 and no3 is?
There is not much point to be honest as your tank is not cycled if you do large a large water change tonight say 40% then do the same again in the morning the get the bactinetts but before you put them in test your ammonia if its above 0.25 do another water change and add the bactinetts to your filter if its 0.25 or below just add straight to your filter and keep an eye on them over then next 24hrs and you should be fine then add some more fish.
Shall I test the water and tell you what the ph,gh,kh, no2 and no3 is?

NO3 - 10
NO2 - 0
GH - 16'd
KH - between 15'd and 20'd
PH - 7.6

WHat happens now? WHat shall I do? need suggestions on readings
lilmisshertz, i live in borehamwood, i have a quarantine tank thats 35 ltrs thats not in use at the moment. you can use that if you really need to, let me know
How do I add pictures on here, I can show you the setup he's in at the moment. :rolleyes:
I don't think that its absolutely necsissary to cycle your tank for that one pleco. When I got my 10 gallon, I didn't know anything about cycling, so I just put five neon tetras into my tank, 24 hours after I got the tank. Three of the tetras died that night, and now I know why, but if you only have one fish, the bacteria will probably grow by itself without any help. The problem will be when you get more fish. Then you will probably need some bacteria from the store, or add fish one at a time to help cycle the tank.
I would be more concerned with sorting out the problem you have at the minute rather than the setup he is in.
:crazy: I was just giving you a rough idea on his environment, as I wasn't expecting to get him! :unsure:
I am going to do a water change soon. Hopefully that will do till tomorrow. :good:

Heres the setup anyway.


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Firstly I thought it was very weird how you got a plec with a piece of bog wood and whats more amazes me is that you also got algea wafer with it I need to find where you got this wood. Seems to me that you just went out and bought this plec and now you want to know the best way to keep it.
have a look in the thread about mature media... If you were a bit nearer to me I would have been willing to drive to you and delived some media to get you cycled instantly..

I'm sure there will be someone "local" to you that would be willing to help you out ;)
Firstly I thought it was very weird how you got a plec with a piece of bog wood and whats more amazes me is that you also got algea wafer with it I need to find where you got this wood. Seems to me that you just went out and bought this plec and now you want to know the best way to keep it.

As weird as it may seem, thats what happened. I couldn't believe it either. My partner went up to my LFS to get the wafers, as its a new tank with no algae, we figured he'd starve if we didn't get any :no:

I know you may not believe what happened but you can choose to believe what you want, as I am only telling you what has happened, and I needed some advice.

I had asked in my LFS but she just suggested this petrine api. But as noone suggested this I didn't know what to use.
I've always wanted a pleco, but I never expected to get one quite like this!? :blink:
I wish i'd have kept what bogwood I had in the tank already, that way I wouldn't be worried about the poor thing. :unsure:
have a look in the thread about mature media... If you were a bit nearer to me I would have been willing to drive to you and delived some media to get you cycled instantly..

I'm sure there will be someone "local" to you that would be willing to help you out ;)

Thanks for trying to help, I'll keep my fingers crossed until tomorrow. Hopefully the water change tonight will help until I can get to maidenhead aquatics tomorrow. :sad:
Oh I managed to get a picture before he swam off under the bogwood. Its a very blurry photo but does anyone know what it is?


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