Pleco Found In Bogwood!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2007
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hi all,
I got a call from my mum, who said she'd got me some bogwood as she knew i was after some. She bought it round and it was in a bucket of water.
I made sure it had been soaked, which she assured me it had been and so I put it in my recently set up aquarium.

Well I thought i'd have a mooch in the tank and thats when I noticed the pleco! It was in the rock cave in the tank.
I called up my mum as I was puzzled as to how it had got there, and she then told me that it came out of a bucket that was filled with water where she got it from. She was told that this piece was for sale, and that it was in soak!
So I'm guessing it came with the bogwood my mum got!
I really need some advice on what to do. Its only been 2 days since I put the water in the tank! It wouldn't have cycled yet!
If you need anymore information please ask and i will try to answer. I added aquarium treatment in there today(filter start), to give it a boost. I didn't want to use anything but i feel that would be best in this situation.
When I can take a photo of him I will post it on here for someone to ID :)
I hope he will be ok :huh:
Are you able to get to a lfs and buy some soll bactinetts then you can carry on stocking you tank as it will have the bacteria that you need.
Are you able to get to a lfs and buy some soll bactinetts then you can carry on stocking you tank as it will have the bacteria that you need.

So you suggest getting soll bactinetts? How long before I buy fish? Do you mean I can stock more after I add soll bactinetts?
I can try to get down to a LFS today. I just need to arrange a lift! :unsure:

Do you think he has a hope of surviving in an un-cycled tank??
If you had soll bactinetts to your tank it will be cycled its the bacteria that disposes of ammonia and nitrite I stocked my 150g using the stuff. 1 pot does 100ltrs.
So you suggest getting soll bactinetts? How long before I buy fish? Do you mean I can stock more after I add soll bactinetts?
I can try to get down to a LFS today. I just need to arrange a lift! :unsure:

Do you think he has a hope of surviving in an un-cycled tank??

You will need to cycle your tank with him in there unfortunately. Make sure you keep an eye on ammonia and do 20% water changes every other day, or if the amonia starts to get high do more.

Other than this, do you have any friends that could home him for you while your tank cycles? Or, perhaps take him back to where the bog wood came from?
or you can just use my method and go out and buy the bactinetts then you can stock your tank.
No idea about bacinetts, i've cycled 3 tanksfish in with no deaths or signs of illness....
Get yourself some Seachem prime, it detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, chlorine and chloramine so as well as helping your fish through the cycle it can be used as your tapwater conditioner.
Personally though i wouldn't reccomend it, cycling fish in (if bacinetts don't work) is alot of hard work, although possible if your willing to devote most of your time over the next 4 weeks or so to testing water, water changing, checking your fish for stress etc. I don't think a plecos are ideal for it either, i've heard they can be particularly sensitive. Do you know any one who could temporarily home your pleco?
Good luck to you and the pleco whatever you do...
Hi there,
Unfortunately I don't have anyone to temporary rehome him. :unsure:
I have called the LFS and they said they stock - prestine api.
anyone heard of it? If so is that any good, the lady said it worked the same as soll bactinetts???
you should have took the plec to lfs! Best was to cycle is using pure ammonioa and no fish!
Do you know what type of pleco it is? If you don't want it, you could try rehoming it here on the buy/sell/swap :thumbs: .
Do you know what type of pleco it is? If you don't want it, you could try rehoming it here on the buy/sell/swap :thumbs: .

I'm not sure, was hoping I could post a pic and you could give me an idea! :) I'll try and take some now........
Where in herts r u I can tell you now where to go to get yourself some bactinetts most people on here dont have a clue whgat they are so shouldnt comment on them unless they know what there talking about if you get some of these you DO NOT need to cycle trust me then you can add more fish.
Where in herts r u I can tell you now where to go to get yourself some bactinetts most people on here dont have a clue whgat they are so shouldnt comment on them unless they know what there talking about if you get some of these you DO NOT need to cycle trust me then you can add more fish.

Im in hemel hempstead. Its near the magic roundabout - any idea where that is?
Thanks for the info...

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