
You might want to consider testing specifically for ammonia, rather than just for nitrate and nitrite, just in case. In another thread on the Chit Chat board, some more-scientifically-minded-than-me people were explaining how your tank can read 0 for nitrites, high in nitrates, and over-the-top for ammonia, just because the chemical reactions can't keep up with the ammonia load. I have no idea if this is the problem with your pleco (indeed, I would think that if ammonia were high more fish would be exhibiting odd behavior), but it's worth checking just in case.

The link to the thread is There is a particularly interesting post by Bignose, about 2/3 of the way down the page.

Good luck,
Hey I know I'm just joining the conversation but my best suggestion (if possible) would be to seperate the fish in a quarintine tank and medicate with an antibiotic (this wil prevent infection in the tail wound). Also try and raise the temperature and water changes can never hurt. It sounds to me like the plec has been attacked (probably by one of the other bottom feeders, loaches are good guess). If it was somethinmg else I would have expecte dthe other fish to get it aswell. What is the size of the plec in comparison to the other bottom feeders?
It could be that you are changing too much water. I was doing 25% every week and had loads of disease probs but was told to reduce to 15-20% every 3 weeks and tank has been much better since.
thats interesting fatbob - bet they couldn't explain that one! I always say not to knock it if it works.

I have tried the green nitrate removing sponge from Juwel dispite the expense but it did not do enough to make it worthwhile. I may add another filter as I do have quite a few fish (newbie :blush: ) but I'm not too sure.

I started that thread in chat to see if I could raise more advice - no offense to anyone here intended but the reason was that I personally only visit this 'emergency' forum when I have a problem (thankfully not often) as I dont have the experience to help others. Dont want to chip in with wrong/poor advice.

Plec is still the same. Have 1 other tank a Rio 60 but it is full of platy fry at the moment so not really the place to be putting sick fish or meds :(
ok, things are not good.

Have got home tonight to find that Percy has a 'fluffy' covering over his pale patch of skin.
Hey I was just reading up at in sounds like what ever damage he had is no gotten infected with a fungus. I'd suggest a methyl blue treatment but that works best in a quarintine tank. The other opption is to mix up a concentration of aquarium salt and water and "dip" him in it for a couple minutes. It's like Listerine he can handle it but fungus can't.
I would suggest Melafix (and/or Pimafix). The Melafix should help the fins to regenerate. Pimafix treats internally as well, and together they *may* help to treat columnaris. Preferably in a q/t tank, but if not available, the treatmt shouldn't harm the other fish.

True fungus is a secondary infection, on fish will show on pre-existing wounds. Do you know if there was any break in the skin w/ these pale patches? Columnaris sometimes shows up in white patches that may look similar, hence common names like 'body/mouth fungus'.

You may want to use a stronger 'fungus' (not true fungus) remedy. I don't want to tell you to put a band-aid on a broken arm. Tho I wouldn't consider Melafix to be *that* mild, and I don't know that your situation is so severe...the receding caudal fin does sound like severe fin rot although...def. suggest the Melafix.

Keep things clean, don't overfeed. Other fish doing ok?
Blink. He is one really sick fish now. ALmost just want him to pop off as it looks that bad. Miracle time needed now. :(

I have treated with a general fungus and finrot medication but there doesnt seem to be any real improvement just wishful thinking on my part. He wasnt moving at all this morning.

The skin is broken so the fugus could easily be a secondary infection. I am going to investigate these treatments further as I saw nothing called Melafix or Prima fix in the shops on the weekend (it was a rubbish shop though)
Could the salt bath help and how strong???
You need some internal meds like antibiotics if the skin has broken, is he heavy breathing if so he won't cope with the meds, good luck.
Many thanks for all your help it is truely appreciated. :thumbs:

I am afraid that Percy lost the fight last night and is now in fishy heaven. :rip: I intend to g back through and get some homework done in case this ever happens again. The one good thing is that he didn't hide once sick - I got to see the different stages and this should prove useful in the future.

Thanks again Cava :fish:
R.I.P. sorry for your loss.

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