
Wow lisaLQ that sailfin is a stunner! How long did you have him for?

Only a couple of months, he was sitting in the LFS looking sorry for himself so hubby brought him home for my oscar tank - but we rehomed him along with our oscar and companions last summer. If you look back at the pics, the first two were soon after I got him, and the next two were a week or two later - and there was a massive change in colour (ok, it's not that obvious in the pics but it was in real life). He came to us a silvery gold and black colour, then with proper food and care he went a lovely bronzey gold and black. Shows what a bit of TLC can do :) He loved his cucumber as you can see in the pic :lol:
Wow lisaLQ that sailfin is a stunner! How long did you have him for?

Only a couple of months, he was sitting in the LFS looking sorry for himself so hubby brought him home for my oscar tank - but we rehomed him along with our oscar and companions last summer. If you look back at the pics, the first two were soon after I got him, and the next two were a week or two later - and there was a massive change in colour (ok, it's not that obvious in the pics but it was in real life). He came to us a silvery gold and black colour, then with proper food and care he went a lovely bronzey gold and black. Shows what a bit of TLC can do :) He loved his cucumber as you can see in the pic :lol:

I agree, you can really see he's quite pale in the first two pics. In the last three he's a much deeper colour, plus his eyes are alot brighter too! Lovely fish!
heres one of my common plec i think

its best to enlarge that immage
He's lovely, and gets a 10/10 from me, but I hope he's not in that 12.5g :unsure:

My common has gone from under 2" to 5-6" in the last 2 months or so. Unless you're planning a big upgrade, in that case he'll be ok for a couple of weeks, maybe a month ;)
yes dont worry i have everything planed i have a 30GAL tank to be ready in 3 weeks for the bigies
in my tank lol.
also is he a common plec
yes dont worry i have everything planed i have a 30GAL tank to be ready in 3 weeks for the bigies
in my tank lol.
also is he a common plec

Yep, so I'm afraid a 30g wont be big enough - you'll need a minimum of a 4 x 18" x 18" in the long run if you want to keep him, but if you've already got the 30g ordered, I'd return him and swap him for a bristlenose - they're lovely little fellas, and will keep your tank cleaner too (commons are far too lazy to clean, why bother when they can have wafers and courgette for free lol).
i love my pleco il post a pic later when i get home coz im at work right now lol

My Bristlenose otherwise known as "Plec".

Can anyone tell if it's male or female from this pic? I'm told it depends on how long the bristles are, but I have nothing to compare too!!

If he has bristles all over his face, he's a he. If he has a line of bristles along his lip, or none at all, he's a she ;)

Well i just learnt something there aswell!
Keep em coming as i am loving the pics!
my common plecs going into a 110gallon soon with my oddballs :p I've got no more shots of my plec though :( Oh and thx lisa for the info on the BN's now I can try my hand at breeding them :lol: Albinos for sale at my LFS for 2$ each, only like 2" each BN though

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