Fish Fanatic
I'm not sure if this break forum rules, but I popped into my LFS (Stapeley Water Gardens, Cheshire) tonight for some bloodworms to find that they had restocked all of their tanks with great new fish.
Discus, Gobies, X large whiptails, Rainbows's ,ABF (Which I had to buy !).
Best of all, they have a large selection of unusual plecs. Some I'm not sure of, but I saw gold nuggets and Zebra's all around 3 - 4 inches.
Best of all, the most expensive was £20.
Hmmm need more tanks....
Discus, Gobies, X large whiptails, Rainbows's ,ABF (Which I had to buy !).
Best of all, they have a large selection of unusual plecs. Some I'm not sure of, but I saw gold nuggets and Zebra's all around 3 - 4 inches.
Best of all, the most expensive was £20.
Hmmm need more tanks....