Here's the plecs I have, if you want to see pictures here's the link to my gallery -->
1) 1 Queen Arabesque - L260
2) 1 King Tiger - L066
3) 1 chocolate zebra - L270
4) 1 peckoltia sp. ->
5) 1 Green Phantom - L200
6) 1 Butterfly Pleco - L168
7) 3 Clown Plecos - L162, L104
8) 1 Rubber-nose - L187b
9) 1 Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps - L083
10) 1 Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus - L001
11) 1 Glyptoperichthys scrophus - L?
12) 1 Peckoltia snethlageae - L141, L215
13) 1 Long-finned Ancistrus - L?
14) 1 Peckoltia sp. - L205
15) 1 Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps or Red Liposarcus (unknown)
16) 1 hypostomus plectostomus - L?
Wow that makes 18 plecs..i am surely a pleco nut
In the past I had these species ...
1 Royal Pleco - L027
1 unidentified Cochliodon
1 liposarcus multiradiatus
1 Mango Pleco
One day I want a rusty plec! That'll have to wait until I have the room, I think I have enough plecs for now