Plec Collectors!

hmm ive got a L001 (damn they grow fast!), 3 commons and 2 bristlenoses which i rescued from a friend and i thought they were bulldogs till about 2 minutes ago.....

some pics...




Yeah Studz - I saw a webpage with one guy that bred them (I think) where he was describing his oldest one having passed away - he mentionned that it was 12", and his biggest.
Hmm rusty plecs aren't panaques are they? I thought they were hypostomus? Previously cochilodon? I'm pretending like I know what this means *lol*

From a google search:

Although their sucker-like mouths are adapted to chewing at wood, all three 'Bruno' species accept standard aquarium foods with great gusto. They are not fussy about water conditions - the L137 in my care is kept at a pH of 7 and at a temperature of 26 C. - and are not as demanding as Panaque species are over the addition of bogwood in their aquarium.

And PC has them listed as hypostomus:

We only have a small amount of bogwood in our big tank, and I cant say I've ever seen him eat it. Whereas he cleans the glass and plants, and takes plec wafers and catfish pellets :)
Hmm rusty plecs aren't panaques are they? I thought they were hypostomus? Previously cochilodon? I'm pretending like I know what this means *lol*

From a google search:

Although their sucker-like mouths are adapted to chewing at wood, all three 'Bruno' species accept standard aquarium foods with great gusto. They are not fussy about water conditions - the L137 in my care is kept at a pH of 7 and at a temperature of 26 C. - and are not as demanding as Panaque species are over the addition of bogwood in their aquarium.

And PC has them listed as hypostomus:

We only have a small amount of bogwood in our big tank, and I cant say I've ever seen him eat it. Whereas he cleans the glass and plants, and takes plec wafers and catfish pellets :)

This is the problem with using common names, as the 'Rusty Plecs' I've seen dont look much like the ones you have shown here.
I suppose it all boils down to what you consider a rusty plec, the same as a Common Plec can be any of about 5 species. Generalisation of fish is a pain :sly:
thanks for all the info about the rusty plec,here's mine-hes about 3 inches but seems too be growing very slowly. shouldn't complain as he is a great looking fish!


  • archer_027.jpg
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I don't have any plecos at the moment but plan to add a tiger to my new 55 gallon, once established. We have him at work right now and he's just the most adorable thing, about 4" and comes to the front of the glass at feeding time :D Beautiful coloring.
Currently got the floowing Plecs:

3 x Breeding Trio of Common BN's (Temminicki's I think) + lots of fry
1 x L031 (Peppermint Plec)
1 X L134 (Leopard Frog Plec)
1 x L333
4 x L183? (possibly Whiteseam Plecs)

Cheers matey ;)

Slowly getting there!

Just need to find myself a female L134 and I'll be happy !! :D
I've been struck by the pleco bug, and I think I'm going to go for a L144 (black eyed gold ancistrus) and a clown plec for in my 6ft Angel/community tank - buying from Trimar. Any suggestions greatly appreciated though. I dont want to go too big (or get too many) as my rusty and two whiptails are in there, as well as the non-catfish.

Anyhoo, I'll be posting back here if all goes ahead ;)

Ps. Nash - this is my Rusty Plec:


Yours is beautiful, I cant get over how pretty they are, and yet mine only cost £8! I'd pick one over a fancy expensive one any day, as they're very busy and outgoing fish too - mine is never hidden, he's always cleaning something ;)

2 Ottos
1 Male Golden Longfin Brinstlenose
1 Female Golden Longfin Brinstlenose
1 Rineloricaria sp. `peru` Peru

Have owned in the past:

1 Royal Sultan Plec - That Killed it self when it freaked out during the night and got its dorsal fin caught in the sliding glass hood.
Albino Common
Here's the plecs I have, if you want to see pictures here's the link to my gallery -->

1) 1 Queen Arabesque - L260
2) 1 King Tiger - L066
3) 1 chocolate zebra - L270
4) 1 peckoltia sp. ->
5) 1 Green Phantom - L200
6) 1 Butterfly Pleco - L168
7) 3 Clown Plecos - L162, L104
8) 1 Rubber-nose - L187b
9) 1 Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps - L083
10) 1 Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus - L001
11) 1 Glyptoperichthys scrophus - L?
12) 1 Peckoltia snethlageae - L141, L215
13) 1 Long-finned Ancistrus - L?
14) 1 Peckoltia sp. - L205
15) 1 Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps or Red Liposarcus (unknown)
16) 1 hypostomus plectostomus - L?

Wow that makes 18 plecs..i am surely a pleco nut ;)

In the past I had these species ...

1 Royal Pleco - L027
1 unidentified Cochliodon
1 liposarcus multiradiatus
1 Mango Pleco

One day I want a rusty plec! That'll have to wait until I have the room, I think I have enough plecs for now :)

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