New updates
melanosoma : I only saved fry from 3 females. I had 3-4 other females that dropped before them but sadly the colony got a hold of the fry before I could get them. I managed to collect 27-28 fry from one female,25 from 2nd,and 35 from the 3rd. So,I got a good number.
Goslinei: Just 3 fry. I lost one male,leaving me with a male and two females. I got two new pairs and 6 young juvies to add to the colony. Hopefully,I'll have a good number of fry next time.
maculata: still working on getting them to have a drop. Still have a reverse trio.
gracilis: still doing well. Got a decent colony. Hopefully it won't be long to have some drops from them.
"illescas": have 16 fry from 1st drop. Soon will be getting two new drops. Small colony doing well.
tamazulae: still have 3 pairs. Have had some drops. I have around 9 or so fry.
I'm trying to get a hold of some new species to work with.