Please Share Your Wild Type Livebearers :)

I have a random question. Probably a silly question but I am curious. Can two species of a seperate family in Goodeids that are found in the same water system be kept together in the aquarium without cross breeding? I don't want to crossbreed so if there is a chance I won't try it. I am against making hybrids. I want to keep all of my fish pure.
Species imparticular are Xenotoca melanosoma and A. zonistus from Rio Ayuquila?
Thank you!
It is very unlikely that  x melanosoma & A. zonistus would crossbreed, However in the home aquarium there may be some aggression among the two species . I strongly recommend keeping all goodeid species separate .
Thank you very much Gary! Ok, sounds good. I will for sure keep all of my goodeid species in species only tanks. Thanks again!

Right now my a.tamazulae are in a foot and a half long x 18 in wide x 16 in tall aquarium. Its a 40 us gal breeder divided in half to make two sections. Is this ok for them or do they need bigger?
It should be okay for to or three pares , they can get aggressive among each other. They appreciate some places to hide. I use small or pieces of terra-cotta plant pots,  tamazulae are very good for eaten their own fry. I find it’s best to put the gravid female into a small well planted tank and as soon as the fry are born. Remove her back to main tank.
Thank you very much Gary! I greatly appreciate it! I will be moving them to a bigger tank as I have another addition to the collection. Xenoophorus captivus "moctezuma". The ALA's convention is going on right now. I wish I had a fish room. If I did I could have gotten a good number of rare species. Thank you very much again!
Well a bit has changed in just 2 days. I was able to find a small group of allotoca maculata. So, I went for them. I gave a friend of mine the "moctezuma" to keep until I get some room open.
pair of limia nigrofasciata


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Thank you Gary! Very nice pair!
When I find some time I will share some pics of the A.maculata. Right now I am rearranging aquariums to allow me with more available space without taking up too much room and setting up more tanks. I want to setup more tanks but can't right now.
It would be nice to see some pics Chris
How many tanks do you have? stop at 50 if you can lol.
Here is a video of the maculata trio :
I also have a video of a female A.tamazulae. Just was curious if she looks gravid/pregnant?
haha hopefully one day I can have 50 tanks. Right now I have no where near 50. I have 7 going. I setup decent sized tanks and divide them in half with plexi glass. 2 of the 7  which are 10 us gal are going to be daphina magna culture. I have a 10 us gal for growing out the fry. I have a 75 us gal, 2-40 us gal breeders, and cycling a 55 us gal. 
My Xenotoca melanosoma have been very productive. I have at least 5-6 females pregnant. Should get a huge drop this year if everything goes well.
Thanks for showing videos Tamazulae looks gravid  it’s about as plump as they get, they sometimes fill out when well fed a good way to find out is to not feed for 24 hours. gravid females are best to be put into a small tank by themselves. with plenty of plants. These fish are very cannibalistic towards there fry.
Thank you very much Gary! She was for sure pregnant. Just got 5 healthy fry from her today and she's only around 2 inches! I will get a video of the fry up as soon as I can. They are hiding in the plants right now so can't really get a good view of them right now. Just a quick description of the fry: they are small replicas of their parents and will sit on the bottom of the tank just like their parents as well. It is very interesting. 
One of my female melanosoma had 6 fry. I will load a video of them in a little bit.

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