Please Share Your Stories :d

Not to be the skeptic, but have you ever considered it might be light reflecting off airborne dust? Then again, it is oddly dull for reflecting dust.

At my sisters confirmation, I took a picture of the altar and there was this massive orb hovering above it. My mom dismissed it as dust reflecting or dirt on the lens....let me see if I can dig it up....
I am a big sceptic I'm afraid...its the scientist in me! I belive orbs are just dust, and the power of the mind is more intense and vast that we can ever imagine. Tests have shown that the mind can create and manipulate its own memories. For example, if you remember a certain person from your past, and you remember that person as having black hair, if you are then shown a picture of that person, and infact they have blonde hair in the picture, your memory of that person will change to have blonde hair not black. Your actual memory will change.

Amazing stuff!!!
I have been skeptical as well. but its fun to think its something :p
Those orbs follow me around as well I think. Alot of photo's that get taken of me, I have orbs around me. But it's not just one or 2. there's heaps!

When I went away for work, my boss took a photo of me in the lounge room, and we counted 24 orbs around me. and 2 pretty big ones just touching my head. Now sometimes when I take photo's of my dog, he has orbs around him as well.
here's one for you guys. hope ya can handle it. maybe about 6 or 7 years ago, got home from work watched a little tv and such. got ready for bed, layed there for a while thinking about different stuff. i saw a what seemed like a blackness pass over me from the right to left. it had to be right above me cuz it blocked out my entire view of the ceiling. i didn't see it anymore, so kinda confused about it i tried to get up. i could not. i had lost the ability to move. completely paralized. i finally broke through and got my butt out of that bed as soon as i could. about a year later i learned of a worldwide phenomena simply called "sleep entity" because there is no name for it. some describe it like i just did, or an actual form made entirely of blackness. in some cases, it holds the victim down, or sits on the chest or stomach. but all describe losing the ability to move. google "the sleep entity". chances are many of you have already had this experience.
I was a total sceptic, science could explain everything etc that doesn't stop happenings.
When I moved into my bungalow things started happening but we didn't consider anything spooky. It was when it was happening on a daily basis and we looked back that we realised the odd things were related.
Ivor the sake of not writing a book I'll summarise..
Day one in the house, ceramic plate flipped off mantelpiece and smashed
After that we had overwhelming smell of tcp appear in corridor, it was so thick you could cut it with a knife, it just appeared and disappeared in an instant. This happened all the time.
Marks appeared on the wall clearly saying 'go away'
Pictures were wonky
Every time we felt something strange we took photos and orbs appeared in them
A citronella burner on a spike was found spilling citronella in the fish pond (we had to rescue the fish)
Ash would whirl in the fireplace when it wasn't windy
We had a some 'people' over who did various things (I felt like a nutter frankly and couldn't deal with it any longer ) and since then which was 3 years ago it has stopped. Occasionally we get the tcp but rarely anymore.

Make of it what you will but we are normal folks, normal pretty boring day to day lived and jobs and didnt believe in the unexplained but it happened and there's nothing that anyone can say to dissuade me it wasn't real.
I don't believe in ghosts...I believe in demons, however. Actually scratch that, I know demons are real...but I believe that they try to scare people to keep them away from the Truth.
I was a total sceptic, science could explain everything etc that doesn't stop happenings.
When I moved into my bungalow things started happening but we didn't consider anything spooky. It was when it was happening on a daily basis and we looked back that we realised the odd things were related.
Ivor the sake of not writing a book I'll summarise..
Day one in the house, ceramic plate flipped off mantelpiece and smashed
After that we had overwhelming smell of tcp appear in corridor, it was so thick you could cut it with a knife, it just appeared and disappeared in an instant. This happened all the time.
Marks appeared on the wall clearly saying 'go away'
Pictures were wonky
Every time we felt something strange we took photos and orbs appeared in them
A citronella burner on a spike was found spilling citronella in the fish pond (we had to rescue the fish)
Ash would whirl in the fireplace when it wasn't windy
We had a some 'people' over who did various things (I felt like a nutter frankly and couldn't deal with it any longer ) and since then which was 3 years ago it has stopped. Occasionally we get the tcp but rarely anymore.

Make of it what you will but we are normal folks, normal pretty boring day to day lived and jobs and didnt believe in the unexplained but it happened and there's nothing that anyone can say to dissuade me it wasn't real.

make sure there is mo plastics/electronics burning anywhere... my RCcar set fire (my fault) and it smelt like germoline - another kind of antiseptic...
anyways... i had another load of creepy stuff happen last night...

so, sitting on the side of my bed at 3AM and i just black out... i wake up, cold and shivering with ALL THE WINDOWS IN THE HOUSE WIDE OPEN... i go roundand close each and every one of them... my parents arent back yet fortunately...

go back to sleep and i have the black angel in my dream...and it kills me...

wow i hate the paranormal now...
anyways... i had another load of creepy stuff happen last night...

so, sitting on the side of my bed at 3AM and i just black out... i wake up, cold and shivering with ALL THE WINDOWS IN THE HOUSE WIDE OPEN... i go roundand close each and every one of them... my parents arent back yet fortunately...

go back to sleep and i have the black angel in my dream...and it kills me...

wow i hate the paranormal now...

I'M SCARED :crazy: I would have run outta' that house so fast! :look:
Among the strange things that have happened to me, friends and relatives, was what I would call an angel not a ghost.
Well some friends and I were at the railroad tracks, talking and watching trains go by, as we decided what to do that night. It was a little gravel area by the main tracks and a siding and a road.
My friends said I was white as a sheet. I was looking across the road at a middle aged bald man wearing a blue jumpsuit and headphones. He was jogging, looked at me smiled, waved, and when he got to the siding, disappeared.
We all walked over to where he disappeared, at that point a drunk driver came down the hill and missed the curve just missing hitting our cars, and wrecked where we had been standing seconds before.
My mother saw her great-grandfather the night her grandfather died.
A friend of my brother's had stories that would curl your hair. The best was George. His own son shot him in the house she was living in. As he was dying he got hung up in the light. George did not like her ex, and her boyfriend thought she was nuts, till he was over
one night when the ex came by. After he left plates flew from the kitchen and smashed against the door.
George also liked to visit, and was a practical joker.
So, I have two stories. It was around 8-9 pm, and I was going to get some stuff out of the car trunk. I turned around and there was a girl standing behind me, so I took two steps forward. Her hair was kinda wrapped around her face like a curtain and looked burnt at the edges. For some reason, she gave me the urge to run forward and attack her with the water jug I was holding (lol). I ran inside, and it walked back down the driveway and was hit by a car o_O

I'm scared of jigglypuff. You know, the pokemon XD. I was lying in bed (it was my first time sleeping in my own room) and I kept having blurry visions of a red-eyed jigglypuff slowly walking down the hallway to my room. I didn't go to sleep until 5 am XD
that girl... gererally ghosts tend to play in loop what happened just before they died... check for house fires in the area... she may've run out the house and got hit by a car...

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