Please Share Your Stories :d

I was put on a pill that gave me a really strange reaction. I had to go off it after a few days, but this happened. I was staring into the ceiling at school when I saw a unicorn fly over my head. Then everything went dark and I was exploring a dark cave. I came out of the cave to see a beautiful, giant pink castle. I started walking towards it and enter it. The walls were all pink and there were blue diamonds everywhere. My teacher yelled at me and I snapped out of it, but I think that was pretty weird.

well i was in york once staying at the golden fleece inn "the most haunted place in england" supposedly , anyways i was stood in a corner when i heard a voice behind me say stand straight and smile kid, so i did when i looked behind me there was noone there! and the corner was empty so there was no microphones or anything. the freakyet part was when the pictures develpoed and on that hoto there was what looked like sky blue fog next to me with what looked like a face in it :blink:
oh crap im like so scared right now!

these stories are scary!

Oh, and This thread should be pined
Hmm where do I start? How about the kitty!

So, last year I saw a black figure that looked like a cat running down my hallway. I really thought nothing of it and just told myself I was seeing things. I saw it two other times and again I didn't think anything of it. Then, one day I had a friend over. Her and I were sitting next to my door, which is acrossed from my hallway. I saw the cat run down the hallway while we were sitting there. I didn't say anything about it but my friend asked if I had gotten another cat. Now I knew I wasn't crazy. I saw it one more time after that and then I didn't see it anymore until...just recently my cat has been acting extra weird. I was sitting on my bed with my cat and all of a sudden I saw the black cat walk down the hallway. My cat immediatly jump onto a chair sitting next to my door and started staring at the hallway. That's the last time I saw it. So, yeah. I have a cat ghost in my house!

I've had other experiences in my house that didn't involve cats but people. Those ones were scary.
We have an old cemetery behind our house, and when I was little I was convinced that I could frequently hear a horse drawn cart (my bedroom is at the back of the house facing the cemetery).

Weirdest thing that's ever happened to me though has got to be when I was driving at night last year. My boyfriend and I had just left the village where we live and there is a small dip in the road which you can't see down it from the top. On the other side, a car came around the corner and went down into the dip, we saw the headlights and everything, it was definitely there. We went down into it a couple of seconds later and there was nothing there. There is absolutely no where that the car could have turned off into as there are hedges on both sides leading into fields.

We were both pretty freaked out and I hated driving through there for days afterwards :p

Also used to work in the kitchens of a local nursing home, and saw some pretty strange things out of the corner of my eye. The most frequent was what looked like a little boy. Nothing was ever there when I look properly though, although I could have sworn every time that someone had in come into the kitchen.

BettaCrazy7, we used to have something like that happen in our house. My little sister was adamant that there was a ghost cat wondering our house. My parents refused time and time again to believe her or my stories, until they saw the cat themselves one night. Turned out that he was a stray cat that was letting himself in to our house and was caught helping himself to a chicken left out in the kitchen XD

I don't believe so much in ghosts as spirits of the dead, I prefer the "memories" theory myself. That idea doesn't freak me out so much :p
Dang... some of these stories are CREEPY!

Anyways, when I was seven I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and tried to go back to sleep, but just as I was about to doze off I saw these wierd balls of green light floating around my bed and then they just dissapeared. From ages 5-8 I would see a tall shadowy figure moving about in the swamp during the day. At nine I woke up at like 3:00 am and started walking to the bathroom to go pee and when I reached the living room stanging next to the side door leading onto the porch I saw this transparent glowing white figure that resembled a person but had srange feet and a mishappen face and was wearing clear robes and had skin missing in places; it looked scary, but seemed nice so I took a terrified and cautious step toward it and it just dissapeared. From ages 10 to this day I hear very strange and creepy voices calling my name. From 9 to this day I feel like I'm being watched, but only when i'm by myself. Twice I've seen glowing red eyes staring at me from the swamp at night. When I'm at my great-grandma's house by myself I hear footsteps. Whenever I get hurt in a dream I feel the pain and wake up whith wounds; for example when I dreamed I got kidnapped and my kidnapper was eletrocuting my I felt it and had scorch marks when I woke up, a more recent example would be when I dreamed I was swimming in the ocean and a Portugese Man-of-War got blown into my back and arm I woke up with red stinging lines on my back and right arm.
My great-grandma told my mom this story:
During WWII in Germany, my great-grandma and her family lived in a nice house way out in the country, their nearest neighbor was about a mile away. Her brother, my great-great uncle was in the military before the start of the war, and was somehow distantly connected to the Valkyrie plot, so they shipped him off to the front lines in Russia. One night, the whole family was gathered in the family room, listening to the radio, reading etc. When someone knocked at the door. Surprised, they went to answer. No one was there. An hour later, someone knocked again. The looked, no one. So (i forget who) someone went outside to see if anyone was there. There was no one, couldn't have been kids, it was almost midnight and they lived far in the country away from schools. It happened several times before they went to bed. The next day, a letter arrived informing them that my great-great uncle had been killed the previous night. My mom likes to think it was him coming to say goodbye.

Also, in that same house a few years later, they were again gathered in the family room. They had a great big german shepherd with them. Suddenly, they heard footsteps going down the hall, and the dog started barking madly at the hallway entrance. Then it stopped at the entrance, and the dog whimpered and ran away. Creepy
Well, i live in a haunted house... i will go through all of the ghosts...

1. Kitchen - Scullery Maid weeping over a bucket (4:00 AM to 5:30 AM)
2. Bathroom - Jack Russel (9AM to 9PM)
3. My Room - 24 orbs (appear for about 30 secs only between 1:26 AM And 1:28 AM
4. Computer Room - Foggy stuff (12:50 AM To 3:30 AM)

A few others as well but they are intermittant and dont really have much form...

I often wake up in the middle of the night unable to move with cold hands on my arms and legs that pin me down... it doesnt freak me out all to much as i see things in my sleep as well...
This thread is NOT a good thing to read late at night... I kept reaching to pet my cat xD very scary! Well, this is one of my best friends experiences. So, she woke up about 2am, and headed out of her room to get a drink, she started downstairs when she noticed that the rocking chair by the landing was rocking back and forth. She turned around and came back up, and saw a shadowy figure rocking. She then ran into her parents room! Her mom came and saw it then it vanished! The next morning they found out her grandpa died that night.

We live in this older house. I find it VERY creepy. Things creek and make odd sounds, a drawer refuses to remain shut, and I swear I've seen a few cat shadow things... I asked around, and the person who lived here before us used to poison neighbors cats! And I've felt watched before... Thankfully we're moving next month!!
Right after my son was born, I believe my aunt came back to look over us. My husband was in Iraq at the time, so it was just me and a newborn baby. I was taking pictures to send to my husband, so i got my camera and set the timer, sat down with baby, and took the picture. In one of the pictures, a bright white orb showed up on my shirt!! It was actually quite beautiful!

Every since I had kids, orbs have showed up in pictures in every house we have lived in. I am sure that I am not just bouncing from haunted house to haunted house, so I think I am being followed. The good thing is, whatever/whoever it is, is very friendly and there have never been strange occurances in our homes, other than what shows up in pictures.


Hi All , When I was in the Merchant Navy many years ago at the age of seventeen a group of six of us decided to set up a Owigi board in our cabin on board the passenger liner we were working on, to try and contact any spirits, at the time we were in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on route to America.

Anyway the time was about 1130 pm and we were merry (not drunk), we placed our hands on the disc and it began to move very fast around the board I next noticed a lad sitting to my left looking towards the mirror on the outside of the locker door then he screamed,the lad sitting to my right looked at another mirror on a different door and made a similar reaction, then all of a sudden the lad sitting opposite me seemed to move towards me a few inches,he looked shocked and tense and then seemed to relax and slump in his seat, a few seconds later I felt this pressure in the centre of my chest area and and was pushed back slightly then I felt a release through my back as if something or someone had gone right through me.

Two of the lads were then crying and we discussed what we had seen the lad to my left stated he saw a old women's face in the mirror and the lad to my right stated he saw a old fashioned candelabra with the candles alight,the lad opposite me had the same experiences as me but the spirit entered through his back and out of his chest in order to float across and then travel go through me also.

We sat there in shock for a minute or so then all ran out of the cabin as we knew this would break the seance then awhile later got another lad who did not live in our cabin to come in as this was also a way to break the seance for good. Surprisingly enough we did not use the Owigi Board any more at sea. TC :cool:
One night my bible teacher was in bed and he all of a sudden couldn't move at all and felt a pressure on his chest...after the initial shock he started praying to God and he immediately felt strength enough to move again...when he looked he saw a shadow figure on his chest and he kept praying...the shadow figure moved off his chest and to the foot of his bed...after another moment it moved out into the hallway and disappeared...these are demons, doing all they can to scare and deceive...the demon couldn't get into my teacher even though it was trying because he is already filled with the Holy Spirit :)
Right after my son was born, I believe my aunt came back to look over us. My husband was in Iraq at the time, so it was just me and a newborn baby. I was taking pictures to send to my husband, so i got my camera and set the timer, sat down with baby, and took the picture. In one of the pictures, a bright white orb showed up on my shirt!! It was actually quite beautiful!

Every since I had kids, orbs have showed up in pictures in every house we have lived in. I am sure that I am not just bouncing from haunted house to haunted house, so I think I am being followed. The good thing is, whatever/whoever it is, is very friendly and there have never been strange occurances in our homes, other than what shows up in pictures.



Orbs and chest compression seem to be quite common TBH...
I just took this photo 5 minutes ago. Cat's are sleeping in the chair next to me and the kids are upstairs. I was showing someone the fishtank view from my favorate chair. Look above the table.

this was taken right after without cleaning the lens or anything else and as you see, the second picture is completely clear of the orbs.


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