Please Identify These Catfish?

TBH and not wanting to sound a complete ars3, but simply don't buy ANY fish you don't know. Always always always research a fish before you buy it. This way you don't end up with a shocker and you'll have happy fish.

I couldn't agree more. i am far more experienced now. (3 years ago i think.) this, and having to euthanise, caused me lots of heartache. i have not fallen into the same trap again.

Research, research, research first three things i, now, do when considering a fish. lol, last, and least important is buying it. unfortunately, even now, most of us start with the purchace.

your point is well taken. unfortunately, i had to learn the hard way.
hey all,

i know next to nothing about fish anyway, and i think he's learnt his lesson from this lol. He wants to keep them anyway so i know they'll have a good home, but if he did ever need to move them on I know he'd keep them untill he found a new home, I wouldn't let him have them pts, they're gorgeous!
Unfortunatly its a far to commonly sold fish I would try and take them back to be fair. If your tank was a small community your just going to end up with these 2 in the tank alone. They are predators and also known as the walking catfish so for example once they have eaten all the fish in one pond they will walk to the next and so on and so on. What size tank and other fish are with them?

if your going to keep them I'd recommend a separate tank to your smaller fish.
This topic is not about euthanizing fish so please stay on topic. Posts removed.
Unfortunatly its a far to commonly sold fish I would try and take them back to be fair. If your tank was a small community your just going to end up with these 2 in the tank alone. They are predators and also known as the walking catfish so for example once they have eaten all the fish in one pond they will walk to the next and so on and so on. What size tank and other fish are with them?


if your going to keep them I'd recommend a separate tank to your smaller fish.

hi guys, thanks for your concern, but I had previously said above in conversation with jacko32 that they are already in a seperate tank :nod:

Wills: they are in a 2ft wide x 2ft high x 18inch deep tank at the moment, alone. It's his quaratine tank, they'll have to stay there untill he gets a bigger one. The community fish where in a planted 3ft, he's checked and it's the guppies they've eaten, everyone else is still there, and they've completely wrecked the plants. I liked those guppies :( and it'll take him ages to tidy the tank up.

I've told him he should atleast go and complain because the guy who sold us them blatently lied to our faces "harmless bottom feeders" "they'll be fine in a community tank", and because of the amount of damage they caused to his tank, but he definately wants to keep them (seperate from his community tank).
Just be ready to get a big tank very soon if you want to keep both. No kidding they will need a 6x2x2 within a few months.

If you have a look on aquarist classifieds I believe there is someone in your area that rehomes large fish. Also there is a member on here from the wirral that has a penchant for larger fish dont know if he will be interested in them, dont know if you know him or not.


That could be me your on about I;m from wirral

I once had a 18 inch one of these a marbled clarias and although it was an ace fish I would definately say its a large predator that needs to be kept on its own as they will eat and destro anything that goes n with it. I say destro as mine did just that to an adult oscar and very large tinfoils I added. They are commonly sold and given away due to people buying them who cannot house them. Mine came from a LFS for free!!!

Sayin gthat if you can house it a very active and beautiful fish with bags of presence and personality
:lol: yeah I meant you but didnt want to name you

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