Please Help!


Jan 8, 2014
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I just back from a four day trip. My betta wasn't fed that whole time because I know it doesn't affect bettas to go a few days without food. I had my roommate turn the tank light on and off while I was gone. I was looking in the tank and I saw that his fins are a little ripped! All the levels are fun (posting pics in a moment). I did not see this before my trip so it must be a recent thing (I will admit that lately I haven't been gazing into my tank like I use to but I know I would have noticed his fins if I noticed from just looking in today). I keep at least half of an IAL in my tank or a whole one of the leaf is small. Any ideas??? (Pics below)


I know the PH is kind of high but I also don't know how reliable it is because I broke one of the things and I had to use sink water to was it out to test ph and I don't know the tap ph is but here it is anyway...


I apologize for the photos not being on the right side. I am on my phone and for some reason when I upload photos from my phone they rotate.
My most recent pics are from September 12th and as you can see his fins are fine.
It looks like something bit him. Does your guy have any tankmates? Are his fins long enough that he can bite his own fins?
His only mate is a snail and from the length of his fines in the pictures from the beginning of the month I wouldn't think he could bite them hisself.
It does look like fin nipping and with no other fish in the tank it must have been him 
perhaps he got a little hungry and fancied a snack! it is surprising how tight a circle they can form their body into if they want, his tail should heal just fine in clean water so try not to worry, hopefully it won't turn into a habit, he may have just missed you and became a little stressed.
(hopefully this isn't a jinx but) His tail is healing nicely.

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